Nearly everyone has difficulty getting to sleep from time to time, but for some people this can be a regular and ongoing problem. If you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep you may have insomnia. Insomnia can be short-term or temporary (acute), or long-lasting (chronic) if it’s lasted more than 3 days a week for more than 3 months. Poor sleep can affect your mood, concentration, performance at work and overall quality of life. Read more about insomnia.
There are a variety of apps to help you with sleeping problems. These apps typically offer a range of features. Choosing the right app for you depends on your specific needs, preferences and goals.
- Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) apps can help you understand and change the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are contributing to insomnia. Learn more about CBT.
- Sleep tracking apps can help you to better understand your sleep patterns. Some can measure your body movements to track whether you are asleep, awake or restless in your sleep. Other tracking apps have a diary function where you can record lifestyle activities related to sleep.
- Audio sleep aids play a constant sound (white noise) that helps to block out other disturbances.