Restless legs syndrome

Also called restless legs or periodic limb movements of sleep

Key points about restless legs syndrome

  • With restless legs syndrome (RLS) you have a strong urge to move your legs, or sometimes arms or other body parts, because of uncomfortable and unpleasant feelings in them.
  • The feeling is worse, or only happens, at night and can cause sleep problems and daytime sleepiness.
  • RLS affects about 7% of adults – it's twice as common in women and gets worse with age.
  • Underlying causes of RLS include pregnancy, iron deficiency, high caffeine intake, kidney disease and diabetes.
  • Treatment focuses on the cause and may involve lifestyle changes, or medicines for severe symptoms.
Person in bed with restless legs
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Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a condition where you have an unpleasant feeling or sensation, usually in the calves of your legs, that creates a strong, uncontrollable urge to move your legs.

  • The symptoms are usually brought on by rest and are worse in the evening or at night.
  • Movement such as walking or stretching brings relief for a short time, but the symptoms usually return once you settle into a restful state.
  • Both legs may be affected or one may be worse than the other.
  • Sometimes other parts of your body, such as your arms or lower back, may be affected.

RLS can affect your sleep and lead to tiredness, feeling sleepy or trouble concentrating. If this happens, talk to your healthcare provider about how to manage your symptoms.

Note: Nocturnal (night-time) leg cramps are different from restless legs. A single jerky movement in the early stages of sleep is common in one third of people and is normal.

The exact cause of RLS isn’t known but it’s thought to involve your nervous system. It may be genetic (a condition that runs in families). Your risk of having RLS is 30 to 50% higher if your parents had RLS. 

Medical conditions

You may also get RLS during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester (final 3 months). RLS due to pregnancy often gets better on its own within a month after delivery.


Some medicines may cause restless legs, eg, some antidepressants, sedating antihistamines and antipsychotics such as haloperidol, quetiapine or olanzapine.

A high intake of caffeine-containing drinks, such as coffee, tea and energy drinks, is also associated with RLS.

The main symptom of restless legs syndrome is that you have an urge to move the affected part of your body, usually your leg. 

This feeling can range from mild restlessness in your legs on some evenings, to a more severe problem that occurs every evening and night (and sometimes during the day) which regularly disturbs your sleep. Many people fall somewhere in between these extremes.

You may also get an uncomfortable or tingling sensation, such as 'pins and needles', prickling, pulling or crawling, in your legs.

These feelings usually begin about 15 minutes after you lie down to sleep or relax or when you haven’t moved for long periods, such as when travelling in a car or airplane.

Moving will usually make you feel better, at least for a short time. 

Many people with RLS also develop a condition called periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS). This is where you have uncontrolled leg (and sometimes arm) twitching or jerking movements while you sleep. 

Restless legs syndrome can usually be diagnosed by your healthcare provider or neurologist (a doctor who specialises in conditions that affect the nervous system) without any special tests. However, blood tests may be needed to look for an underlying cause, such as lack of iron or a thyroid problem. Read more about the medical conditions that can be associated with RLS above. 

If you have mild symptoms of restless legs syndrome the following lifestyle changes may help improve your symptoms:

  • Avoid smoking.
  • Limit or avoid alcohol and caffeine.
  • Get plenty of sleep because tiredness can make RLS worse. Keep your bedroom cool, quiet and comfortable, try to get into a pattern of going to bed and getting up at the same times, aiming for 7 hours sleep. Read more sleep tips.
  • Exercise regularly – try gentle walking before bedtime or doing gentle leg stretches for 5 minutes before you sleep.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Massage the affected arm or leg or have a soak in the bath.
  • Try heat or ice packs on the affected leg or arm.
  • Distract yourself with an activity, such as reading, so you're less aware of your symptoms.

RLS management tips

Image credit: Heathify He Puna Waiora

Apps reviewed by Healthify

You may find it useful to look at some nutrition, exercise and weight management apps, self-management and healthy living apps, and quit smoking apps.

If you have a medical condition that causes restless legs syndrome or makes it worse, such as iron deficiency, treating it may improve your symptoms.

You may need to change 1 of your medicines if a side effect from the medicine is thought to be the cause of your RLS. Sometimes a few lifestyle changes may be enough to control your symptoms. See the section on self-care below.


If your symptoms are more severe and you have badly broken sleep that’s affecting your normal daily activities, medicines may help control the urge to move and help you sleep. Different types of medicine may help, such as pramipexole, ropinirole, carbamazepine, gabapentin and pregabalin. Working closely with your healthcare provider, you may have to try a few to find the one that works best for you. They each have their own risks and benefits.

The outlook for restless legs syndrome (RLS) varies from person to person. Your symptoms might stay the same, become gradually worse, or they may improve by themselves. Some people have long periods without symptoms. If your RLS is caused by an underlying condition, it will often get better when that condition is treated.

Although there’s no cure for RLS, medicines usually help if your symptoms are interfering with your quality of life.

The following links provide further information on restless legs syndrome. Be aware that websites from other countries may contain information that differs from New Zealand recommendations:

Restless legs syndrome(external link) Patient Info, UK
Restless legs syndrome (external link)National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, US


Nutrition, exercise and weight management apps
Self-management and healthy living apps
Quit smoking apps



  1. Leg problems in sleep(external link) Auckland Community HealthPathways, NZ, updated 2023
  2. Restless legs syndrome(external link) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, US
  3. Restless legs syndrome(external link) Patient Info, UK, 2023

Clinical resources and guidelines

The night time hustle – managing restless legs syndrome in adults(external link) BPAC, NZ, 2012
Restless legs syndrome(external link) Goodfellow Unit Medcase. NZ, 2023
Garcia-Borreguero D, Kohnen R, Silber MH, et al. The long-term treatment of restless legs syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease – evidence-based guidelines and clinical consensus best practice guidance – a report from the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group.(external link) Sleep Med. 2013 Jul;14(7):675-84
Winkelman JW, Armstrong MJ, Allen RP, et al. Practice guideline summary – treatment of restless legs syndrome in adults(external link) Neurology 2016 Dec;87(24)2585–2593.

Goodfellow Gem – Dopamine agonists may be effective for restless legs 

Restless legs syndrome is defined as an urge to move legs often accompanied by uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations in the legs. Check ferritin and reverse iron deficiency first.

Tools for Practice(external link) reported on a systematic review on pramipexole. Dopamine agonists can be considered as first-line treatment for restless legs syndrome (RLS) but be aware of adverse effects such as augmentation (paradoxical increase in RLS symptom severity following initial symptom reduction), loss of impulse control, and drowsiness.

Initiate treatment with pramipexole; starting dose 0.25 mg, maximal dose 0.75 mg. The NNT is about 5. Ropinirole is another option, with a starting dose of 0.125 mg, maximal dose 4 mg orally once daily 2 hours before bedtime. These medications are also used in treating Parkinson’s Disease, and both are funded in New Zealand.

A good sleep would be dop(aminergic) doc! Pramipexole in restless legs syndrome(external link) Tools for Practice #275, 2020

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Credits: Healthify editorial team. Brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.

Reviewed by: Dr Art Nahill, Consultant General Physician and Clinical Educator

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