Fundamental to ensuring that our content is relevant, up-to-date, accurate and evidence-based wherever possible, is our quality framework. This guides our editorial team in the selection of reliable and trustworthy websites and online resources, and ensures topics are reviewed internally and externally before publication. Where multiple resources or websites are identified for a particular topic, our assessment checklist is used by the editorial team and clinical writers to assist in the selection of the best ones.
Editorial process overview
Step 1: Initial content writing ‒ our medical writers use evidence-based content from recommended websites, resources and clinical pathways to create original content.
Step 2: Assessment using the quality checklist ‒ drafts are internally reviewed by another team writer against our quality criteria.
Step 3: Clinical review ‒ drafts are clinically reviewed by external subject matter experts as a further check of accuracy, relevance and usefulness for people living in Aotearoa New Zealand and health providers.
Step 4: Editorial review ‒ draft content is reviewed by one of our editors to look for consistency of style, grammatical errors and health literacy.
Step 5: Publication and ongoing review – we review all content on a regular basis.
Editorial team
Information on Healthify is produced and maintained by a team with expertise in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, psychology, laboratory technology, human physiology, writing, editing, communications and information technology development.
Additional support and expertise is provided by a range of topic experts and clinical advisors who assist with identifying the best resources for an Aotearoa New Zealand audience. Final approval of content is the responsibility of the editorial team.
As well as writing our own content, we link to existing resources from other reputable organisations.
You can contact us for more information about our editorial processes by emailing: [email protected]