Kidney disease

And chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Key points about kidney disease

  • Kidney disease is any condition that affects the functioning of your kidneys.
  • Chronic kidney disease refers to kidney damage that generally can't be reversed. Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD).
  • Māori and Pacific Peoples with diabetes have an increased risk of chronic kidney disease.
  • Because most people don’t have symptoms in the early stage, see your doctor regularly if you are at risk. Early detection and treatment can prevent or slow the condition.
  • Treatment includes changes to your lifestyle, medication and possibly dialysis. 
Virtual view of kidney position from the back
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Video: Understanding kidney disease (Kidney Health NZ, 2017)

(Kidney Health NZ, 2017)

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Your kidneys filter and remove waste and water from your bloodstream. The 2 most common causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure as they damage parts of your kidneys.


When your blood sugar is raised, it causes damage to many blood vessels in your body, including the blood vessels in your kidneys. About 1 in 3 people with diabetes will end up with some kidney damage. Diabetic kidney disease is also called diabetic nephropathy.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure damages the small vessels that take blood to the kidney filters and can also damage the filters themselves. Read more about blood pressure and kidney disease.(external link)

Other causes

  • Glomerulonephritis is a group of diseases that affects the filtering units in your kidneys.
  • Polycystic kidney disease causes cysts to form in your kidneys. This is an inherited disease, which means that it is passed down from your parents.
  • Lupus and other diseases that affect your body’s immune system can also affect your kidneys.
  • Obstructions caused by abnormally shaped ureters, kidney stones, tumours or an enlarged prostate gland can affect your kidneys.
  • Repeated urinary tract infections (UTIS) can also affect your kidneys.

You are at a higher risk of getting kidney disease if you:

CKD is called a silent disease because it often causes no symptoms. It is not uncommon to lose up to 70% of kidney function before developing symptoms.

The first signs may be general and can include:

  • tiredness
  • poor appetite and weight loss
  • muscle cramps
  • a need to pee more often than usual
  • pain or burning when peeing
  • blood in your pee
  • puffiness or swelling around your eyes and ankles.

One of the main ways kidney disease is diagnosed is by the presence of albumin in your pee (urine). Albumin is a protein found in your blood. A healthy kidney doesn’t let albumin pass from your blood into your urine. A damaged kidney lets some albumin pass into your urine. The less albumin in your urine, the better. Sometimes albuminuria is also called proteinuria.

Albumin in your pee is detected using a urine dipstick. Read more about albumin in the urine(external link). Having protein in your pee also increases your chance of having a heart attack, stroke and/or high blood pressure.

Other tests

  • Blood tests – these measure blood levels of creatinine and urea. Both of these are normally excreted in your pee, but if your kidneys are not functioning properly, increased amounts can be found in your blood. Read more about kidney function blood tests.
  • Renal imaging – this involves taking a picture of your kidneys using methods such as ultrasound, CAT scan or magnetic resonance imaging. These tests help work out if there are any unusual growths or blockages to the flow of pee.
  • Renal biopsy – this is a hospital procedure in which a needle is inserted through your skin into your kidney. A small sample of kidney tissue is removed to be looked at under a microscope.

When kidney disease is detected early, changes to your lifestyle and what you eat can slow down the progress of kidney failure and prevent serious consequences. Kidney disease is classified into 5 stages based on how well your kidneys are working. Your treatment depends on what stage of kidney disease you have and what caused it in the first place.

Depending on your individual circumstances, treatment may include taking medicines to:

  • reduce blood pressure
  • keep diabetes well controlled
  • reduce further damage to your kidneys

It could also include referral to a nephrologist (kidney specialist) or, in later stages, assessment for dialysis or kidney transplant.

Lifestyle changes can include:

  • avoiding getting too thirsty
  • contacting your healthcare provider if you have diarrhoea (runny poo), vomiting or other illness
  • avoiding NSAIDs such as ibuprofen
  • following a low-salt diet, and possibly a low-potassium diet if your potassium is high
  • getting regular flu vaccinations
  • telling your healthcare provider and pharmacist before you take any over‑the‑counter medicines or supplements.

Your healthcare provider may also talk to you about:

Here are some videos on exercising(external link) when you have chronic kidney disease from the Kidney Society. Read more about treatment options for chronic kidney disease(external link) and conservative treatment(external link).

It is important to prevent your kidneys becoming damaged further.

  • Have your blood pressure checked at least once a year.
  • Have your blood sugar checked for diabetes.
  • Don't smoke – there is no safe level of smoking and it damages your blood vessel walls.
  • Check your cholesterol levels (high cholesterol damages blood vessels in you kidneys).
  • Maintain your weight within a healthy range for your height with a well-balanced diet. Read more about chronic kidney disease and nutrition(external link).
  • Regular exercise also helps control your weight
  • Have an annual check-up with a GP. If you need a blood test, ask for your kidney function to be checked. Ask for your urine to be checked for blood, protein and sugar.
  • Read more about how to protect your kidneys.

Apps reviewed by Healthify

You may find it useful to look at some Diabetes apps, Heart failure apps, Blood pressure apps, Kidney disease apps, and Quit smoking apps and  Nutrition, exercise and weight management apps.

Kidney Health NZ has patient support centres(external link) around the country for people with kidney failure. These are run by trained volunteers who have experienced kidney failure in their own families/whānau, and who offer their time to talk and share stories.

Clinical resources

Continuing professional development

Webinar: Kidney health for all(external link) Dr Andy Salmon, Medical Advisor KHNZ

This presentation covers:

Updates on CKD detection, management & guidelines covering World Kidney Day 2023 key themes:

  • “Supporting the vulnerable”
    • CKD detection in high-risk groups
    • CKD management to slow progression
    • High-risk CKD – when to refer to renal services
  • “Preparing for the unexpected”
    • Acute Kidney Injury
    • CKD complications

Video: Kidney Health For All Webinar

You can watch the video, answer questions and claim hours with a certificate. This video may take a few moments to load.

(My Health Hub, NZ, 2023)

Chronic kidney disease by Carmel Gregan-Ford(external link) (Mobile Health, NZ, 2020)
Chronic kidney disease by Dr Chris Wood(external link) (The Goodfellow Unit, NZ, 2018)


Diabetes apps
Heart failure apps
Blood pressure apps
Kidney disease apps
Nutrition, exercise and weight management apps

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Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.

Reviewed by: Dr Hari Talreja, Specialist Renal and Hypertension Services, Auckland

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