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Breast pain
Key points about breast pain
- Breast pain (also known as mastalgia) is the sensation of pain felt in or around your breast.
- It's common and most women experience breast pain at some time.
- If it's your only symptom it's generally not breast cancer.
- Causes depend on whether it is cyclical (monthly with your menstrual cycle) or non-cyclical.
- Cyclical breast pain can be treated with self-care measures such as wearing a better-fitting bra during the day and healthy lifestyle measures.
- If your breast pain is non-cyclical, treatment will depend on the cause of your breast pain.

The causes of breast pain depend on whether it is cyclical or non-cyclical.
Causes of cyclical breast pain
Cyclical breast pain means the pain comes every month. It starts before your period, gets worse and then goes away when your period ends.
This is due to changes in the levels of hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone during your menstrual cycle. The pain usually affects the upper outer area of both breasts and can sometimes spread to your armpit. The pain can range from a dull ache to a burning sensation.
Causes of non-cyclical breast pain
Non-cyclical breast pain has no relation to your period. It can stay constant or come and go. The pain may affect one or both breasts. Women aged more than 40 years old are more likely to experience this.
Common causes include:
- breast infection or inflammation (mastitis(external link) or breast abscess(external link))
- pregnancy(external link)
- medicines such as the combined oral contraceptive pill(external link), , other hormonal contraceptives, antidepressants(external link) or antipsychotics(external link)
- breast cysts or lumps(external link)
- menopause(external link) or menopausal hormone therapy.
Injuries or sprains to your chest wall, ribs, neck, shoulder or back can be felt as breast pain. This is called referred pain.
Sometimes breast pain occurs with no obvious cause.
Your doctor will ask you questions related to your breast pain, including whether you have any other symptoms such as breast lumps(external link). They will also ask about any history of breast disease or surgeries.
Your doctor will examine your breasts and may arrange some blood tests or imaging, such as an ultrasound scan(external link) or mammogram(external link), depending on what they think is causing your breast pain.
Treatment depends on whether the pain is cyclical or non-cyclical.
Cyclical breast pain can be treated with self-care measures, including:
- wearing a supportive and better-fitting bra during the day
- wearing a sports bra when exercising
- wearing a soft support bra without underwire when you sleep
- reducing caffeine and fat in your diet
- stopping smoking if you smoke
- taking evening primrose oil (discuss this with your GP or pharmacist first if you have epilepsy or are taking other medicines)
- taking pain relief, such as paracetamol(external link) or ibuprofen(external link), as directed by your GP or pharmacist.
If your breast pain is non-cyclical, treatment will depend on the cause of your breast pain.
Apps reviewed by Healthify
You may find it useful to look at some Women's health apps, Pain management apps and Breastfeeding apps.
Breast pain(external link)(external link)(external link) HealthInfo Canterbury, NZ
Breast pain(external link) [PDF, 419 KB] Capital & Coast DHB, NZ
Benign breast conditions(external link)(external link)(external link) Breast Cancer Foundation, NZ
Breast pain(external link)(external link)(external link) NHS, UK
Women's health apps
Pain management apps
Breastfeeding apps
Breast pain (mastalgia)(external link) [PDF, 419 KB] CCDHB, NZ, 2018
Breast awareness – what you need to know(external link)(external link)(external link) Breast Cancer Foundation, NZ, 2019
Breast problems – swollen breasts(external link)(external link)(external link) La Leche League and Ministry of Health, NZ, 2018 English(external link)(external link), Māori(external link)(external link), Samoan(external link)(external link), Tongan(external link)(external link), Niuean(external link)(external link)
Breastscreen Aotearoa – for Pacific women(external link)(external link)(external link) Breastscreen Aotearoa, NZ, 2015
Information on breast awareness(external link)(external link)(external link) National Screening Unit, NZ, 2013
BreastScreen Aotearoa Ministry of Health, NZ, 2008 Japanese(external link)(external link), Thai(external link)(external link)
Breast conditions – ductal carcinoma in situ(external link)(external link)(external link) Health Ed, NZ, 2017
Benign breast conditions – fibroadenoma(external link) HealthEd, NZ, 2019
- Breast pain (mastalgia)(external link)(external link)(external link) Auckland Regional HealthPathways, NZ, 2020
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.
Reviewed by: Dr Alice Miller, FRNZCGP
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