Epilepsy apps

Epilepsy apps

  • Keeping a record of your seizures and tracking your anti-epileptic medication can be helpful in managing your epilepsy.
  • This can be done in many ways such as keeping a paper diary, a computer-based diary and marking the calendar or, more recently with the use of seizure-tracking apps on mobile phones.
  • The tool you choose should be easily accessible so that you can use it on a regular basis, and one that you can easily share with your health care provider.
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The use of mobile apps for people with epilepsy has the potential to encourage and improve self management of their condition.

There are a range of features and functionalities that can be helpful such as:

  • Medication reminders to remind you to take your medication at the correct time and remind you when prescriptions need to be refilled.
  • Seizure diary so that you can record seizure activity, what happens during them, how often they are occurring, triggers, medication side-effects and a place to write down any questions you might have for your doctor.
  • First-aid instructions for how best to help someone having a seizure, how to put someone into the recovery position, and when to call an ambulance.
  • Healthprovider contact information where you can store your doctor’s contact details, emergency contact details, and epilepsy diagnosis information.

Tips on using an app as a seizure diary and medication tracker

  • Ask your doctor or nurse what information is most important for you to track, what would help your health care team and what information do you need?
  • To track any triggers or patterns, decide what you are interested in finding out more about and write down when the trigger or pattern occurs.
  • When you record medicine changes, make sure you record changes to your medicine or your dose. It is also helpful to record when you use an ‘as needed’ medicine or any medicines or supplements that you buy from your pharmacy.
  • To monitor side effects of medicines or changes in your mood, write down if these happen and when they occur, such as after which medicine, and the time of day.

Here is an epilepsy app that Healthify has reviewed

App name  App features Clinical score

Epilepsy Journal app

  • Seizure tracking
  • Medication tracking
  • Reports for sharing
  • Record seizures with one click as they happen
  • Available from Google Play
  • Cost: free
  • Read more about Epilepsy Journal app
4 star review


  1. Pandher PS, Bhullar KK. Smartphone applications for seizure management(external link). Health Informatics J. 2016 Jun;22(2):209-20.
App developer: If you are the developer and would like to provide updated information about this app, please email the app library manager at hello@healthify.nz

Disclaimer: Healthify’s app library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.

Factsheets – using health apps safely

How to choose a health app
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ

Credits: Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.

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