Youth One Stop Shops (YOSS)



Key points about Youth One Stop Shops or YOSS

  • Youth One Stop Shops provide primary healthcare (including drop-in services) plus a range of other services.
  • They are one aspect of care being delivered within the scope of the Youth Mental Health Project.
  • The Youth Mental Health Project is rolling out programmes and activities in schools, via health and community services, and online to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people.
  • Those listed below actively model youth development principles, are open at least 20 hours per week and take a holistic approach.
Teenagers running through surf at the beach

Youth One Stop Shops

The aim of these services is to provide a range of free accessible, youth-centred, holistic, primary health, mental health and social services to rangatahi aged from 10–24 years.

The following services can be contacted directly through their websites. There are also other youth health services available through district health boards.

Service name and location

Related topics on Healthify

Mental health topics
Health topics for rangatahi
Mental health for young people

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