If you are unable to find the health information you are looking for, try searching the individual health pages or the websites listed on the health information in different languages page.
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Mongolian health information
Below you will find links to health information translated into Mongolian.
Many of the resources are from overseas, so emergency numbers and contact details may differ.

- Choose healthy snacks(external link)(external link)(external link) NSW Government, Australia, 2021 Mongolian(external link)
- Healthy eating plate(external link)(external link) Harvard Medical School Harvard Health Publications Mongolian(external link)(external link)
- Eat More Fruit and Vegetables(external link)(external link) NSW Government, Australia, 2020 Mongolian(external link)
- Choose Water as a Drink(external link)(external link) NSW Government, Australia, 2021 Mongolian(external link)
- Breastfeeding tips for new mothers NSW Govt, Australia, 2018 English(external link), Mongolian(external link)
- What to bring to hospital when having a baby NSW Govt, Australia, 2018 English(external link), Mongolian(external link) (Note that insurance details and the translator contact details do not apply to Aotearoa New Zealand)
- Perinatal depression and anxiety NSW Govt, Australia, 2022 English(external link), Mongolian(external link)
- Safe use of medicines NSW Govt, Australia English(external link), Mongolian(external link) (note the contact numbers apply to residents of Australia not New Zealand).
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.