Itching in palliative care

Key points about palliative care and itching

  • Itching is a skin sensation that leads to the desire to scratch.
  • Itching in people living with a terminal illness can be caused by a number of conditions.  
  • The feeling of itching can be felt in one area, or all over your body depending on what's causing it.
  • Treatment usually depends on the cause of your itchiness, but if the cause can't be found, treatment aims to relieve your symptoms. 
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Itchiness is a sensation on your skin that makes you want to scratch or rub the area. The feeling of the itch is very unpleasant and uncomfortable. You can feel the sensation of itching in one area of your body or your whole body, depending on what is causing your itchiness.

In severe cases, itching can cause sleep disturbance, anxiety and depression

Many things can contribute to itching if you have a terminal illness.

It can be caused by the terminal illness you're living with, eg, liver cancer, or other medical conditions that happen at the same time. It can also be caused by a combination of things. Sometimes, it's not possible to find out an exact cause. 

Common causes of itching in patients living with a terminal illness include:

Your healthcare team will ask you some questions related to your itching, including whether you have any other symptoms and any allergies. Your doctor will also examine you and, in particular, your skin if you have a rash. Some tests may be done, depending on what they think is causing your itching. These include:

In palliative care, treatment aims to relieve your symptom of itching and make you feel better. You may have many health professionals such as doctors, nurses, a dermatologist, a palliative care specialist or a cancer specialist involved in your care, as it may require treatment from a multidisciplinary team. 

If you have a medical condition or any obvious causes of your itching are found, treatment will focus on the condition or cause. Treatment that may be prescribed for you includes:

There are some self-care measures that you can do to help relieve the symptom of itching.

  • If you have dry skin, apply moisturisers or emollients often. Using surface cooling agents such as menthol creams can be soothing. 
  • Avoid skin irritants such as soaps or foaming body washes.
  • Don't bathe in hot water for long periods – shower or bath quickly in cool or tepid water not more than once a day. 
  • Keep yourself cool and don't sleep in wool or rough clothing.
  • Try not to scratch your skin when you feel itchy and avoid situations that can trigger the desire to scratch. 
  • Keep your nails clean and short, wear cotton gloves or apply paste bandages to reduce the skin damage caused by scratching.
  • Try patting your skin instead of scratching when you feel itchy.
  • Avoid food and drink such as caffeine, alcohol, spices and hot water as these can make itching worse.

The following links provide further information about itching. Be aware that websites from other countries may have information that differs from New Zealand recommendations. 

Pruritus(external link) DermNet, NZ
Itching(external link) Patient Info, UK
Itchy skin(external link) NHS, UK
Managing the symptoms of cancer(external link) Macmillan Cancer Support, UK
Pruritus(external link) British Association of Dermatologists, UK


  1. Pruritus in palliative care(external link) Auckland Regional Health Pathways, NZ, 2020
  2. Pruritus(external link) Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines, UK
  3. Pruritus(external link) DermNet, NZ

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Reviewed by: Dr Tom Middlemiss, Palliative Care Specialist, Te Omanga Hospice

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