Wash your hands with soap and water before and after applying Estrogel® .
Your doctor will tell you how many pumps of the gel you need to get the correct dose for you.
Using the pump for the first time
- When using the EstroGel pump for the first time, you'll need to prepare it for use.
- Remove the cap and press the plunger down a few times, until the gel comes out.
- Don't use the first dose of the gel from the pump. Collecting this on a tissue and throw away the used tissues carefully to avoid transfer to other adults, children or pets.
- Your pump is now ready to use.
- Note: You will only need to do this the first time you open a new pump.
Apply EstroGel to the skin on your shoulders, arms or inner thighs
- Apply EstroGel as a thin layer to a large area of your skin on your arms, from shoulder to wrist, or mid-inner thighs.
- Apply the gel to clean, dry skin. Try to use the gel at about the same time each day.
- If your dose is 2 or more pumps of gel, then apply the other doses to another suitable area.
- It's not necessary to massage in the gel.
- Allow the gel to dry completely for 5 minutes before dressing.
- Don't apply the gel to your breast or genitals, or to inflamed, broken or irritated skin.
- Bathing or swimming: Wait at least 1 hour after gel application before you have a bath, shower or swim.
- Don't apply over sunscreen or body lotion. You can apply body lotion and sunscreen over EstroGel after waiting at least one hour after application.
Image credit: Healthify He Puna Waiora
Avoid oestrogen transfer to other people
Oestrogen may be transferred to others through skin-to-skin contact where you applied the gel. To avoid transfer to others, it's important to:
- wash your hands straight after applying the gel
- put on clothing over the area once the gel has dried on your skin
- wear gloves if you're helping to apply oestrogen gel to another person.
It's okay to have skin-to-skin contact with others where there is no EstroGel.
Video: Estrogel – how to apply
The following video has instructions on how to apply Estrogel.
(Pharmaco, NZ)