Māori mental health videos

Videos about taha hinengaro – mental health

Key points about mental health videos for Māori

  • Mental or psychological health (taha hinengaro) is one of the cornerstones of Māori health.
  • Along with physical (taha tinana), spiritual (taha wairua) and social/family (taha whānau) health it is an integral part of hauora, the Māori view of health and wellbeing.
  • This page has a series of videos to learn more about approaches to Māori mental health and wellbeing.
Māori woman outside in garden HN
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A series of videos so you can learn more about approaches to Māori mental health and wellbeing.

Video: Mahi a Atua

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(Marae, NZ, 2020)

Video: Te whare tapa whā and mental wellbeing

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(external link)

(Mental Health Foundation, NZ, 2019)

Video: Under the Korowai – a look at Māori mental health practice

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Source: Under the Korowai, NZ, 2018

The Great Mental Health Experiment has examples of how simple everyday activities can support your mental health.

Video: Cupcakes: The Great Mental Health Experiment #1

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

Video: Sleep: The Great Mental Health Experiment #2

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

Video: Distress Tolerance: The Great Mental Health Experiment #3

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

Video: Animal Therapy: The Great Mental Health Experiment #4

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

Video: Study & Stress Advice from a McDonald's Run: The Great Mental Health Experiment #4.5

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

Video: Connecting With Friends: The Great Mental Health Experiment (S2) #1

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

Video: Physical Activity: The Great Mental Health Experiment (S2) #2

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

Video: Nutrition: The Great Mental Health Experiment (S2) #3

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

Video: Kindness: The Great Mental Health Experiment (S2) #4

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

Video: Being present: The Great Mental Health Experiment (S2) #5

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

Video: Gaming: The Great Mental Health Experiment (S2) #6

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(The Great Mental Health Experiment, NZ, 2017)

For other videos of the same series, visit The Great Mental Health Experiment on YouTube(external link)

The NZ Mental Health Foundation(external link) has a comprehensive list of mental health support services.

If you would like to talk to someone, call one of the following helplines:

  • Free call or text 1737 to talk to or text with a trained counsellor
  • Depression Helpline (0800 111 757)
  • Lifeline (0800 543 354)
  • Samaritans (0800 726 666)
  • Youthline (0800 376 633)

 Ētahi ara e rima ki te ngākau ora (The Five Ways to Wellbeing) (external link) Mental Health Foundation, NZ
These are 5 steps that you can introduce into your life to support your wellbeing.

Aroā Wellbeing(external link) Te Aka Whai Ora, NZ
An online resource and activities library developed by rangatahi Māori, for rangatahi Māori, to support young people to improve their oranga wellbeing.

Te waioratanga(external link) on the All Right? website has some great resources to explore how Te Ao Māori and cultural connections support our hauora.

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