Concussion Tracker app | By Complete Concussion Management Inc. |
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Country of origin | Canada |
Clinical review |
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Cost | Free |
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Concussion Tracker app
Concussion Tracker app
- An app for people who have suffered a concussion, and their coaches or others who are involved in their care.

Concussion Tracker app provides assessment, information and advice for people who have suffered a concussion. There are different options within the app for athletes or patients and for coaches or trainers of teams. The app aims to support communication between sports, schools, parents and healthcare practitioners, so that everyone is up to date when a concussion occurs.
For athletes or patients
The app provides the ability to complete a baseline test (neurocognitive testing). Users can then lodge a concussion after it has happened and the app will provide rehabilitation recommendations. Users can be connected in with a clinician (under the CCMI network). The tracking feature of the app is very helpful. It allows users to complete a standardised neurocognitive test, which can be tracked over time. This feature would give the most value if it can be done pre and post-concussion. However, if that was not possible, there could still be some value in this test repeated after concussion to track recovery. Reports are shown both in data form and in graphs.
For coaches or trainers
The app provides the ability to create team lists, report suspected injuries and perform basic sideline concussion assessments. This will create a baseline measure for each athlete in the team, allowing them to report symptoms and to allow the athlete to complete testing after a concussion, to compare with initial tests, giving a good indication of stage of recovery.
For health practitioners
The training for health practitioners for this specific programme runs separately to the app and involves a programme for medical 12 lectures, and up to 60 hours of video-based learning ($1999 for medical professionals). It is recognised as a high value programme.
For the complete app description, go to the app website(external link), Google Play(external link), App Store(external link) or, for a more detailed review, see reviews below.
✔ Excellent tool for sports teams, and athletes to perform a basic level of neurocognitive testing. |
✘ High screen tolerance needed for use.
Clinical review
Reviewer: Chris Lawrence, Community Physiotherapist
Date of review: September 2022
Platform: Android
Version: 3.3.0
Comments: Concussion Tracker app provides assessment, information and clinical direction for people who have suffered a concussion. There are different options within this app for individual athletes/patients, and for coaches/trainers of teams. The app gives users basic concussion education and rehabilitation advice. This includes a combination of fact sheets and videos. In addition users can do neurocognitive testing. This will be especially beneficial for those that have the opportunity to perform baseline testing before a concussion (likely as part of a team, directed towards the app). Users are directed towards local providers connected into the CCMI network, which a patient can then be booked into. Overall, this is a comprehensive app, especially with no cost associated. This will provide users the opportunity to have some basic testing done, and monitor progress. This app will be most useful for coaches of teams, and for those who have the opportunity to use the app before a concussion occurs, to later compare results. It should be acknowledged that a screen tolerance of around 30 minutes is recommended to be able to use the app safely. It is also acknowledged that the app does not provide a list of those providers that hold the ACC Concussion contract.
Safety concerns: It is acknowledged that after concussion, people can have a reduced screen tolerance. If someone is using this app for the first time after concussion, there is a set up process, and then the time needed to complete the neurocognitive test (advertised as 15-20 minutes; took the concussion-free reviewer 22 minutes). Unfortunately, there seem to be no options to pause testing, and this long screen time could have the potential to increase symptoms. A warning prior to testing would be helpful.
New Zealand relevance: The app provides the details of local clinics that are connected into the CCMI network. However, this is not an exhaustive list, and it is not clear how these particular clinics have been chosen. As an example, in Auckland, it does not provide any details for the 7 providers who hold the ACC Concussion contract (ABI, APM,Axis, Geneva Healthcare, Habit, Proactive, TBI). It is understandable that the producers of the app have made this decision to link in with their pre-existing network of those who have completed the programme, however, this is not well described.
Disclaimer: The NZ Health App Library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly. |
Factsheets – using health apps safely
How to choose a health app
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Privacy and security tips for using health apps
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.