Smiling Mind app

Smiling Mind app

  • An app for children, adolescents and adults who want to practice mindfulness and meditation.
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Smiling Mind app By Smiling Mind


  • Guided meditation and mindfulness.
  • Meditation reminders.
Country of origin Australia
Clinical review 

5 star review

Read a clinical review below.

Security and privacy Does the app:
  • Collect medical information? Yes
  • Require a login? Yes
  • Have password protection? Yes
  • Have a privacy policy? Yes
  • Require internet access to use? No, but users need to download audio tracks for use off-line

Read more about safety and security when using apps.

Tips to improve your privacy and security [PDF, 65 KB] Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Staying safe online(external link) Netsafe, NZ

Cost Free
How to get the app

This app has a selection of mindfulness and meditation programs for use in different circumstances (home, sport, workplace, etc.) and for different age groups. Each programme has a number of modules or sessions designed to be worked through over a period of time. Each session has a video or audio track that gives the user details of the lesson, activity or meditation to undertake.

For a more detailed description of the app, see Google Play(external link) or iTunes(external link) and for a detailed review, see reviews.


Includes a vast selection of different guided mindfulness audio tracks for use in a variety of difference situations.

 Tracks can be worked through by following 1 particular programme at a time.

✔ Includes programmes for different age groups.

✔ Programs can be added to favourites list (or removed).

✔ Users can set up meditation reminders. 

Workplace programme requires paid subscription for access.

✘ Users are, by default, asked to complete a short questionnaire before each lesson. However, it is possible to switch this feature off in Settings.

Clinical review

5 star review

: Kris Garstang, Clinical Psychologist, Life Mind Psychology
Date of review: April 2022
Platform: Android
Version: 4.10.0
Comments: Smiling Mind is an app for children, adolescents and adults who want to practice mindfulness and meditation. Users can learn mindfulness skills and implement regular mindfulness practice. Consequences of regular mindfulness practice can include improved concentration, reduced stress levels, improved sleep, increased creativity and productiveness, better behavioural control and improved mood. 
This app is one of the best mindfulness apps I have come across. There are a wide variety of programmes ranging from introductory mindfulness lessons through to advanced and situation specific programmes. There are programmes for all ages as well as programmes that families, school groups and work teams can do together. All of the content, apart from the workplace programme, is free to use making it accessible to a wide range of people. 
NZ relevance: Most audios are recorded using a strong Australian male accent. However, newer files contain the option to choose between a male or female voice which may be more appealing to some. 
Safety concerns
: None.

Clinical review

4 star review

: Dr Lynda Gee, General Practitioner, Auckland
Date: October 2017
Platform: Android
Version: 3.2.2

Comments: The app provides mindfulness training and progresses through modules with personalised logs. Appropriate material available for children and adolescents. Easy to follow audio files. The amount of content could be quite overwhelming as it's quite comprehensive. Very little pictorial content. 
Safety concerns: None.
New Zealand relevance: Fine except that the audio file voice has an Australian accent.

User review

4 star review

: Kylie Head, Auckland
Date: April 2018
Comments: I quite liked the question check in with your self- we don't generally do this. Program choice Guidance through each exercise. Options available for children & adults A dashboard that illustrated my progress.  didn't like the reminders to participate. I also felt that Youtube clips could heightened engagement/entertainment. Children found it hard to engage.

User review

5 star review

: Member of the public, Auckland
Date: August 2019
Comments: Loved this app for helping me go to sleep.

User review

5 star review

: Member of the public, Northland, Whangarei 
Date: August 2019
Comments: The app provides a great range of guided meditations - the sleep ones have been really helpful.

Mani M, Kavanagh DJ, Hides L, Stoyanov SR. Review and Evaluation of Mindfulness-Based iPhone Apps(external link) JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2015 Aug 19;3(3):e82.
Coulon SM, Monroe CM, West DS. A Systematic, Multi-domain Review of Mobile Smartphone Apps for Evidence-Based Stress Management.(external link) Am J Prev Med. 2016 Jul;51(1):95-105.

Disclaimer: The NZ Health App Library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.

Factsheets – using health apps safely

How to choose a health app
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ

Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.