To get the most benefit, it’s important to use the correct technique. Ask your healthcare provider to show you how to use a Breezhaler device.
The video below provides some guidance on how to use a Breezhaler device. The Breezhaler is the name of the device used to deliver the medicine to your lungs and airways. There are different names for each Breezhaler depending on the medicines inside the device.
Your Breezhaler may be a different colour to the one in the video below. It's important to know the name and colour of your Breezhaler, eg, Seebri®, Onbrez® or Ultibro®. Read more about understanding your medicines.
Video: How to use your Breezhaler device
(Healthify He Puna Waiora & Auckland District Health Board, NZ, 2018)
Using a Breezhaler device
- Open: Remove the cover to expose the mouthpiece. Pull back the mouthpiece to reveal the capsule chamber.
- Insert the capsule: The capsules come packaged in a foil wrapping. Pull back the foil edges to release 1 capsule. Don't remove the capsule by pushing it through the foil – this will damage the capsule. Place the capsule into the capsule chamber. Close the mouthpiece until you hear a click.
- Pierce the capsule: Hold the inhaler upright and press both side buttons at the same time. You should hear a click as the capsule is pierced. Then release the side buttons.
- Inhale your dose: Put the mouthpiece into your mouth and seal your lips firmly around it. Breathe in rapidly and deeply until your lungs are full and hold your breath for 10 seconds. You will hear the sound of the capsule vibrating in the chamber.
- Take 2 breaths from 1 capsule: To get your full daily dose, you must use your inhaler twice from the same capsule.
- Discard the used capsule: After inhaling your dose, open the mouthpiece and throw away the used capsule. Close the mouthpiece and the lid of the inhaler.
Cleaning and storing a Breezhaler: You can clean the device by wiping the mouthpiece with a clean dry tissue. Don't wash the mouthpiece or allow it to get wet when you're cleaning it. You will get a new Breezhaler with your repeat prescription every month. Close the device when it's not in use. Store it in a cool dry place, away from heat and moisture.