Cetomacrogol cream is an emollient or moisturiser used to treat dry skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.
When applied to the skin, cetomacrogol provides a layer of oil on the skin's surface, which traps water beneath it and prevents water evaporating from the skin surface. In this way, it helps to retain moisture on your skin and reduce dryness.
Cetomacrogol cream doesn't contain any perfumes or sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), which can irritate skin.
In Aotearoa New Zealand you can buy cetomacrogol cream in tubes, pump packs, bottles and tubs (or pots) over the counter in a pharmacy or on a prescription from a prescriber.
Cetomacrogol comes in 2 combinations:
- Cetomacrogol with paraffin. This is also commonly called non-ionic cream and is a slightly greasy emollient.
- Cetomacrogol with glycerol (or glycerine). This is a non-greasy emollient. Glycerol increases your skin's water-holding capacity.
Both combinations are available as many different brands, eg, Cetomacrogol-AFT®, Cetomacrogol and Glycerol (Evara)® and Dermasoft®.
Read more about emollients and moisturisers.