Video: Hip and Knee Replacement
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(Dr Mike Evans, Reframe Labs, 2013)
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(Dr Mike Evans, Reframe Labs, 2013)
Knee replacement surgery replaces the damaged parts of your knee with new parts. For example, in some surgeries metal parts replace the ends of your femur (thigh bone) and your tibia (shin bone), and a plastic part separates the two metal pieces. However, there are variations to this, such as replacing only one part or half a joint.
Knee surgery is usually only offered if other treatments have not worked for you. These other options include regular exercise, losing weight, physiotherapy or occupational therapy, and pain relief medicines.
Read more about the alternatives to knee replacement surgery.
Knee replacement surgery is usually recommended if you have severe arthritis or a knee injury that causes disabling pain and other treatments, such as physiotherapy haven't helped reduce pain or improve mobility. The most common reason a knee needs replacing is osteoarthritis of the knee joint.
You may be offered knee replacement surgery if:
You'll also need to be well enough to cope with both a major operation and the rehabilitation afterwards.
To decide whether a knee replacement is right for you, talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits of the surgery. Also, find out what you can do if you choose not to have surgery. The following summary is a guide.
The aim of knee surgery is to relieve pain and decrease stiffness or deformity, and therefore help to improve your independence and quality of life. More than 90% (9 of every 10) of knee replacement surgeries last beyond 10 years. Patients who have knee replacement surgery experience less pain and greater mobility in their knee after the procedure.
As with all surgeries, complications sometimes occur with knee replacement surgery. Smoking, obesity or some illnesses may increase your chance of complications.
Complications include the possibility of blood clots or deep venous thrombosis (DVT) of the veins in your legs or pelvis, bleeding, infection, joint stiffness, or loosening and wear of the knee replacement. Though uncommon, when these occur they may delay or limit your full recovery.
Also, for some people, the pain may not change much.
The videos below provide advice on how you can prepare for your operation and what you can do before and after surgery to help your recovery. They also includes information on what you can expect during your stay in hospital. The full video is 25 minutes long and has been split into 15 chapters which can be viewed as separate videos. The first video of the series is below.
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(Ministry of Health, NZ, 2015)
To see the rest of the videos in this series click on the following link. It will take you to the Ministry of Health YouTube channel where you will find the videos listed in order. You can choose to watch a particular one or to play them all.
Your guide to knee replacement surgery: Recover better, return home sooner.(external link)
Many district health boards (DHBs) have introduced a new way of caring for people who need a hip or knee joint replacement. This is called ERAS –Enhanced Recovery After Surgery. The ERAS pathway of care starts when you and your doctor decide that you need surgery and continues through to your rehabilitation at home or in the community. The approach covers a number of evidence-based interventions that aim to ensure you:
You are encouraged to be a partner in your own care. The sooner you get out of bed and begin to walk, eat and drink after your operation, the quicker and more comfortable your recovery will be. You return home earlier to your normal life, work and play. All going well, you are likely to return home after 2 to 4 nights in hospital. Read more about ERAS(external link).
Research has shown that people who actively participate in their own care before and after surgery are likely to have a better recovery. There are many things you can do to take part in your care, starting from before your operation, during your stay in hospital and when you get home after discharge. Your ERAS booklet will give you more details but here is a summary of what to expect and the sorts of things you can do.
Knee surgery | What to expect and things you can do |
Before your surgery | Things you can do
While in hospital | What to expect
Discharge | What to expect
Knee replacement – a guide for patients(external link) ERAS and Canterbury DHB, NZ, 2020
Joint replacement surgery – a patient's guide(external link) Family Doctor, NZ
Knee replacement – a guide for patients(external link) ERAS and Canterbury DHB, NZ, 2020
Knee conditioning program(external link) American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, USA, 2012
ERAS and Canterbury DHB, NZ, 2020
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, USA, 2012
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.
Reviewed by: Dr Bronwyn Lennox Thompson, senior lecturer, Orthopaediac Surgery & Musculoskeletal Medicine, University of Otago, Christchurch
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