CoaguChek is an INR test meter that helps you to check your INR at home. It's used by people who are taking warfarin, a medicine used to treat and prevent clots in your blood. If you're taking warfarin, you will need to have blood tests that measure how quickly your blood takes to clot. The test is called an INR (international normalised ratio) test.
- The goal of warfarin therapy is to prevent blood clots. Having too little warfarin puts you at risk of your blood clotting and having too much warfarin puts you at risk of bleeding.
- Therefore, the effect of warfarin must be monitored carefully with blood testing. INR tests are very important to decide on the best dose of warfarin for you.
- If your INR is too low there is a risk of a clot forming on the new valve and if too high there is a risk of bleeding.
- Ask your healthcare provider what your target INR is. Read more about warfarin and INR.
In Aotearoa New Zealand, the meter that's available for home use is called CoaguChek INRange meter.
Note: Some people may have the previous model called CoaguChek XS.
How often should I check my INR?
Before you start testing on your own, your healthcare provider will need to make sure that your warfarin dose is stable.
- Follow your healthcare provider’s advice about how often you should check your INR, this is usually every 1 to 4 weeks.
- Talk with your healthcare provider before making changes to any of your medicines, as this could affect your warfarin dose or monitoring.
- Also, tell your healthcare provider about any changes to your general health or diet because certain foods, such as leafy greens and some herbal supplements, can affect your body’s response to warfarin. Read more about warfarin and diet.
Options to get your INR checked
- You can get your INR checked for free at a blood collection centre (such as MedLab) and some community pharmacies, that offer the CPAM service. Your pharmacist will check your INR with their own CoaguChek® machine and adjust your warfarin dose as necessary. This option can be arranged through your GP. Learn more: Where can I get my INR tested.
- Having a CoaguChek® machine means you can do your own INR test with a simple finger prick and manage your warfarin dosing in partnership with your GP. This is especially valuable if you live some distance away from your GP or blood testing facility or are out of town on holiday. Also, if you are unwell, you can check your INR to reassure yourself it is within your normal range.