Video: Travel Health and Safety
The following video highlights some key points to consider before leaving to reduce your risk of getting sick while away. It may take a few moments to load.
(New England Journal Medicine Video Channel, US, 2016)
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The following video highlights some key points to consider before leaving to reduce your risk of getting sick while away. It may take a few moments to load.
(New England Journal Medicine Video Channel, US, 2016)
Check your destination(external link) for country-specific health risks and safety concerns.
Visit your doctor, pharmacist or travel medicine clinic early (3 to 6 months before leaving on your trip) to check what vaccinations or medicines you need. Some countries legally require travellers to have certain vaccinations, eg, for yellow fever.
Read more about Vaccinations for International Travel.
Take a travel first-aid kit so you can manage simple cuts, grazes, tummy bugs and minor ailments yourself. Seek advice from a healthcare provider if you're not sure what to take.
Depending on your destination you may also want to pack insect repellent, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, sunscreen, sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat.
Image credit: Canva
There are some health conditions where travelling isn't advisable. The following guide on health status for travel has been created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
If you have any concerns about your health and are unsure about whether you should travel, talk to your healthcare provider. They will help you assess your situation and help you decide whether to postpone your trip.
Learn more about the conditions requiring medical clearance.(external link)
Check if your insurance covers medical care abroad. Make sure it covers your personal circumstances, both for pre-existing conditions and the activities you plan to undertake. Talk to your insurance provider about the details of your policy before you travel. In many countries, healthcare isn't free for travellers and the New Zealand government is unable to fund medical costs or medical evacuations for Kiwis who travel or live overseas.
When you sit still for long periods of time – such as when you’re travelling – you increase your risk of blood clots. Read about travel-related clots including how to prevent them.
Some people may need to take extra care in considering travel or preparing for travel. If you find yourself in one of these categories, it is important to make sure the doctor advising you knows about your needs.
If you're pregnant, consult with both your lead maternity carer and a travel medicine doctor before making any travel decisions. Depending on your stage of pregnancy, pre-existing medical conditions, and travel plans, you may want to take additional precautions or even postpone your trip. For example, if you're pregnant and have a serious pre-existing medical condition, it may not be wise to travel to developing countries. In general, the safest time for a pregnant person to travel is during the second trimester (18–24 weeks). If you're in your third trimester, you should typically plan to stay closer to home to guarantee access to medical care if problems arise, such as high blood pressure, swelling, or going into labour 3 weeks or more before your due date (premature labour).
Traveling with children will require extra thought and planning. Many travel-related vaccinations and preventive medicines that are used for adults are not recommended for young children. Talk with your child’s doctor about your travel plans. They can give you recommendations on which vaccines or medicines are safe for your child. You may also want to consider bringing your child’s car seat, as the availability and quality of such seats abroad may be limited. You can learn more about this topic from the section traveling safely with infants and children.
Learn more about flying with children and infants. (external link)
Generally, travellers with stable, ongoing disabilities should prepare for an international trip in much the same way as anyone else would. However, if you have a disability and are planning an international trip, you should take some extra steps to ensure a safe and accessible trip.
Learn more about flying with a disability.(external link)
If your immune system is weakened from cancer, chemotherapy, medicines, or HIV/AIDS, talk to your doctor about the details of your travel plans. There may be added risks related to travel.
Learn more about travelling when immunocompromised(external link).
The most common travel-related illnesses are gastrointestinal diseases. If you're not sure about the level of hygiene where you're travelling only eat thoroughly cooked food. Only drink well sealed drinks and avoid ice in your drinks.
Image credit: Canva
Diseases can be picked up overseas but symptoms may not appear until touching down in Aotearoa.
Some tropical diseases and infections can become serious quite quickly and may be life threatening. Read about what to do if you become sick within a month of arriving or returning home.
Travellers' Health(external link) Vaccines, Medicines, Advice, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, US
Highly pathogenic avian influenza(external link) Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Avoiding bug bites while travelling(external link) Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Bed bugs(external link) Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Food and water-borne diseases(external link) Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Travel and blood clots(external link) Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Flying when pregnant(external link) Air New Zealand
Pregnant travelers(external link) CDC, US
Safe Travel NZ is a website with a wide range of resources and advice from the NZ Government agencies for New Zealanders travelling overseas. Below are some resources from Safe Travel NZ.
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.
Reviewed by: Healthify editorial team.
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