Programmes and courses – general

Key points about programmes and courses

  • Whatever health condition(s) you have, there are things you can learn and do to take control, improve your wellbeing and reduce any problems arising.
  • Below are some programmes and courses you may find useful.
  • The list is not complete. See the individual topic pages for more programmes and courses.
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The Stanford programme is based on over 25 years of research and is used in 25+ countries around the world. Whatever health issues you have, this 6 week course can help as you learn a range of generic skills and tips to maximise your health and wellbeing. 

  • Participants attend once a week for two and a half hours, for 6 weeks.
  • It is held in community settings such as community centres, churches, libraries and practices.
  • Read more and find a course near you.

Most of us don't get enough physical activity. We often drive everywhere and many have desk jobs. We now know that sitting is actually very poor for our health and most of us need to find ways to increase our activity levels. 

A green prescription is a recommendation from your doctor or nurse that for your health's sake, you need to increase your physical activity levels. With your permission, a referral is sent through to your local Green Prescription team who will contact you, find out what you would be interested in doing and connect you with local programmes and groups. 

Funded by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, it's a great programme and opportunity to get back into walking, swimming, gentle exercise at a gym, dancing or whatever activity you enjoy doing. The team will keep in touch and provide support and encouragement to make some small goals and slowly increase as you are able. 

Read more about Green Prescription programme and find your local providers. 

Steady As You Go is a peer-led exercise programme that started in Otago. The programme has become so popular, it has now been adopted in a number of regions around the country.

Classes are held weekly, for one hour a week and are designed to be fun while also helping older people in their ordinary everyday lives. Groups practice balance, coordination-building and muscle-strengthening exercises such as standing on tip toes or moving from a sitting to standing position. People have found the exercises reduce pain, stiffness, improve their balance and reduce the risk of falls.

Where: Dunedin and Otago both have classes.(external link)

Walking remains one of the best forms of exercise as you can do it any time, anywhere and its free! Join up with a friend and it provides a wonderful social activity at the same time.

There are hundreds of walking groups around NZ for all ages. To find one near you, the following sites may help: 

Kanorau Digital's tutors will help you to navigate websites, apps, documents, and more so you can make appointments, shop online, and keep in touch with the kids. You can learn in-person, online via a Zoom class or learn at your own pace with pre-recorded lessons online. Start learning with Kanorau today.(external link)

  • Small Steps are digital tools, developed by Te Hiringa Hauora in partnership with Clearhead.
  • The Small Steps website is a place where people of Aotearoa (and further abroad!) can take small steps on your journey to improve wellbeing.
  • Whether you want to maintain wellness, find relief or get help for yourself, friends or whānau, Small Steps is with you and for you – he waka eke noa.
  • Free website.
  • Start your Small Steps journey(external link)

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