Video: What is self-management?
This video offers an introduction to the principles of self-management and how it can support people managing long term conditions.
(Know Your Own Health, 2011)
"All people with long term conditions make decisions, take actions and manage a broad range of factors that contribute to their health on a day-to-day basis. It is therefore common sense – supported by health policy and evidence of positive outcomes – that health professionals and teams should support people to manage their health as effectively as possible.
Self-management support means moving away from patients as passive recipients of care to a collaborative relationship where patients are active partners in their own health. To do this, patients need to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence to make informed decisions and adapt their health-related behaviours. They need to be supported by health professionals with the skills, expertise and confidence to support them in making informed decisions, achieving their goals and overcoming barriers."
(Summary from the self-management support section(external link), Health Foundation, UK,¹)
Effective self-management support requires multilevel system changes ranging from policy, flexible funding packages, integrated services, care coordination and person/whanau centred care through to behaviour change strategies, collaborative relationships, shared decision making and patient portals /IT systems.
Most importantly, it is a paradigm shift in culture, attitude and approach from health professionals as the expert and patients are 'non-compliant' if they don't do as advised TO an enabling approach where individuals and their family/whanau are in control and supported to make informed choices that are right for them, given their personal context, values, culture and preferences.