Mental health – living rurally

Key points about your mental health and living rurally

  • Living in the countryside can have its benefits – clean air, peace and quiet, beautiful scenery and no traffic jams.
  • However, the flipside is that you can feel isolated and alone due to a lack of people around and things to do.
  • Unpredictable weather and other factors that are hard to predict or control can add to the stress.
  • Developing habits that help you look after your mental health are important.
NZ sheep farmer in a pen with sheep
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1. Stay connected

Staying in touch with friends and family on a regular basis helps you feel connected. Have regular times when you meet friends or family in person, or online if distance is an issue. Socialising with friends is fun and gives you an opportunity to talk about things that may be bothering you.

Farm life - farmer with cows in Aotearoa New Zealand

Image credit: NZStory toolkit 

2. Volunteer in your community

Join a volunteer group or offer to do something in your community to help others. It’s a good way to meet people and you’ll feel good knowing you’ve helped someone. Read more about the health benefits of volunteering.

 3. Befriend your neighbours

Do you know your neighbours? If not, get to know them. Invite them over for dinner or a BBQ. Knowing your neighbours is also reassuring should you need each other in an emergency.

4. The Five Ways to Wellbeing

Try building the Five Ways to Wellbeing(external link) into your life to improve your wellbeing. They are Connect, Give, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Be Active.

5. Join a local group

Joining a local group is a great way to get to know people in your community. Have a look online or on community noticeboards to see what’s on offer. It could be a sport’s group, book club or another type of group that gets together regularly. If nothing takes your fancy, try setting one up yourself.

6. Eat a healthy diet

Eating a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruit helps you stay healthy, energised and feeling good.

7. Get enough sleep

Make sure you’re getting enough good quality sleep. When you sleep, important physical and mental processes are carried out. Not getting enough sleep is common and can have serious impacts on your health and wellbeing. 

8. Keep active

Regular exercise reduces stress and increases positive mood, plus it keeps you fit and healthy! Exercising or playing sport with other people is a good way to keep fit and socialise at the same time.

Grandad and grandson at NZ beach collecting pipi into bucket

Image credit: NZStory toolkit

9. Reach out for help

It’s okay to reach out for professional help if you need it. There are lots of organisations that can offer advice, resources and counselling. Remember, there is the free national 1737 Need To Talk?(external link) number you can call or text 24/7.

10. Take a break

If you’re farming it can be hard to take a break because you work where you live. Make sure you take regular breaks and do something that’s off the farm to give yourself some time out and perspective. Farmstrong(external link) has lots of resources and information to help you live well and farm well.

If you’re worried about your mental health or that of someone you know, please contact your GP, healthcare provider or a support group for advice.

Apps reviewed by Healthify

You may find it useful to look at some Mental health and wellbeing apps.

There are organisations that provide support to people in rural communities.

Farmstrong(external link) Information for farmers
Rural Support Trust(external link) A free and confidential service for people and families in rural communities
Dairy Women’s Network(external link) For women working in the dairy industry
Rural Women(external link) Network for people working in rural communities
Find out how to tell if someone is struggling with their mental health(external link) BBC, UK, 2021

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