Two mothers share their thoughts about why they are choosing to breastfeed.
Video: How to prepare to breastfeed before you give birth
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Videos about preparing for breastfeeding, getting started and getting a good latch.
Making the decision to breastfeed your child is one of the best decisions you will make as a parent. Check out these videos to help you get started.
Two mothers share their thoughts about why they are choosing to breastfeed.
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Joy is a midwife and a breastfeeding educator, she also looks after the BreastfeedingNZ Facebook page. With extensive knowledge around breastfeeding, she has helped many mums with support and advice through their breastfeeding journeys. See below for more video tips from Joy.
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More videos:
Skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth can help to get baby to begin breastfeeding.
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These videos show why getting baby's mouth connection correct is key to quality breastfeeding.
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Credits: Healthify Editorial Team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.
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