Breathe app

Breathe app

  • An app for timed breathing exercises.
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Breathe app By Jatra


  • Visual counter on graph.
  • Auditory sounds.
Country of origin United Kingdom
Clinical review 

4 star review

Read a clinical review below.

Security and privacy Does the app:
  • Collect medical information? No
  • Require a login? No
  • Have password protection? No
  • Have a privacy policy? No
  • Require internet access to use? No

Read more about safety and security when using apps.

Tips to improve your privacy and security [PDF, 65 KB] Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Staying safe online(external link) Netsafe, NZ

Cost Free
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How to get the app

Breathe app allows the user to focus on timed deep breathing exercises. You can change the length of the breath in and out (1-12 seconds), as well as an inspiratory or expiratory breathe hold (1-12 seconds), with a range of different sounds to guide you. There is a simple graphic wave length guiding your breath, or you can simply follow the different sounds. For the complete app description, go Google Play(external link) or, for a more detailed review, see reviews below.


Simple design, easy to use, effective add on to other advice or for relaxation.

No diary on how you managed.

✘ No feedback if you are actually breathing to the rate set.

Clinical review

4 star review

: Victoria Lai, Advanced Clinician ICU (Physiotherapist), PNZ Cardiorespiratory Special Interest Group; WDHB
Date of review: January 2022
Platform: Android
: 2.2.5
Comments: This app would be most useful for someone wanting to focus on their breathing for meditation or relaxation, as well as those who have been given breathing instructions from a physiotherapist. This app will help the user to be certain they are breathing at the pace they are aiming to breathe at, and to focus on their breathing exercises. The app is easy to use but does not have a diary for users to record how they managed, no feedback if they are actually breathing to the rate set. 
Safety concerns: Not particularly, however I would advise that someone seeks professional advice of a physiotherapist or similar to guide them on suitable breath times for inspiration and expiration. This should not be used in someone who is acutely unwell or short of breath without instruction. 
New Zealand relevance: Yes - relevant to a NZ audience.

Disclaimer: The NZ Health App Library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.

Factsheets – using health apps safely

How to choose a health app
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ

Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.