Togetherall | By Togetherall |
Clinical review |
Security and privacy | Does the app:
Read more about safety and security when using apps. Brochures: |
Cost | Free to Auckland DHB residents. Not currently provided in other parts of New Zealand. |
How to access the service |
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- Togetherall is a digital mental health support service available online 24/7.
- It's a safe place for people with mental health conditions to share with and support each other.
- Currently it is free to Auckland DHB residents; its not provided to other parts of New Zealand.
Togetherall is a digital mental health support service available online 24/7. It offers anonymous community support (staffed by professionally trained guides), numerous resources, creative tools and self-guided courses on a broad variety of topics.
Togetherall is available to all residents, 16 years and older, of the Auckland District Health Board area. To register for the service simply go to the website(external link) or click here(external link) and enter your Auckland postcode in the ‘Location’ box. This will take you through the registration process and provide you with a 6-month membership to Togetherall.
For the complete app description, go to the website(external link) or, for a more detailed review, see reviews below.
✔ Great functionality, with a simple layout that is easy to navigate. ✔ Online community offers real-time support and understanding, and the posts are closely monitored to ensure safety. ✔ Excellent range of online resources and courses. ✔ The journal and brick options allow users to keep a personalised record. ✔ Trained professionals available 24 hours a day. |
✘ Limited access – free to Auckland DHB residents. Not currently provided in other parts of New Zealand. |
Clinical review
Reviewer: Arna Letica, GP
Date of review: March 2021
Platform: Online
Comments: This online resource is aimed at people experiencing mild to moderate mental health symptoms. It offers a comprehensive range of resources including online chats, creative tools, self-guided courses and information sections. It would be useful for people wishing to gain more knowledge, insight and skills relating to their mental health, as well as allowing them to connect with other people who may be having similar experiences. This online resource can be used in conjunction with support from healthcare professionals.
Overall, this online resource is a fantastic collection of tools and information. I found this website to be very ‘adaptable’, giving users a broad range of options depending on their preferences. The guidance provided is accessible, evidence-based and helpful. The ability to interact with well-moderated online communities is a definite plus, particularly given the ongoing constraints on availability of funded mental health services despite this being an area of such high demand.
Safety concerns: None. This online resource has good safety processes in place – specifying it is not intended for individuals in an emergency and being staffed 24/7 by online trained Wall Guides.
New Zealand relevance: Yes. New Zealand contact numbers in case of emergency are provided, with links to local websites of support services.
Disclaimer: The NZ Health App Library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly. |
Factsheets – using health apps safely
How to choose a health app
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Privacy and security tips for using health apps
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.