Migraine Buddy app

Migraine Buddy app

  • An app for people with migraines wanting to keep track of their symptoms, triggers and treatment.
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Migraine Buddy app By Healint


  • Symptom tracking.
  • Trigger recording.
  • Treatment tracking.
  • Sleep tracking.
  • Social networking.
Clinical review 

4 star review

Read a clinical review below.

Security and privacy

Read more about safety and security when using apps.

Tips to improve your privacy and security [PDF, 65 KB] Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Staying safe online(external link) Netsafe, NZ

Cost Free
How to get the app

This app allows users to keep track of, and learn about their migraines by recording the nature of each migraine episode: when it happened, intensity and, location of the pain, triggers and treatment. When enough migraines have been logged, the app can tell users when they might expect to get another migraine. The app can also automatically track your sleep, alert you of high and low pressure weather, alert your buddies when you have a migraine and remind you to take medication.

For the complete app description, go to Google Play(external link) (android) or iTunes(external link) (apple) and for a detailed review, see reviews below.


✔ Easy-to-use.

An exhaustive list of questions asked when logging a headache, covers most of the clinically important headache features.

User is prompted to identify their goal with using the app.

✔ Users can record a headache as it happens but enter details at a later stage.

✔ Keeps a comprehensive record of the migraine episode.

Clear and simple pain intensity scale that uses both numbers and descriptive words.

App has lots of provision for customisation for example, adding medications, relief methods and symptoms.

Has an automatic sleep tracker.

Due to extensive questions, it takes about 1-2 minutes to log a headache.

✘  No education or information about self-care.

User review

5 star review

: Member of the public, Auckland, New Zealand
Date of review: December 2021
Comments: Love the migraine tracker and ability to see two days of weather pressure changes. Not so enamoured with the pro option - having no income means those functions are unavailable.

User review

5 star review

: Member of the public, Auckland
Date of review: April 2020
Comments: Best app ever. Customisations for your own migraine experience. Super fast to track attacks, can be simple or detailed. So much research, development and support for users of the app. Chat groups and statistics from users around the world. Most support I’ve ever had with my migraines! 

User review

5 star review

: Member of the public
Date of review: September 2019
Comments: I like how I can keep track of my migraine attacks.

Clinical review

4 star review

: Jeremy Steinberg, GP, FRNZCGP
Date of review: October 2017
Comments: This app is most useful for headache sufferers and their doctors. It has potential to be a very helpful tool and clinically it is of high quality. Users can see potential common trends relating to their headaches, such as position, character, exacerbating and relieving factors, and the presence of aura. This could help aid diagnosis and therapeutic management for both doctor and patient. The exhaustive list of questions asked when logging a headache covers most of the clinically important headache features. These are also customisable. The app generates an easy-to-read summary for the doctor. On the downside, however, due to extensive questions, it takes about 1-2 minutes to log a headache and the app lacks information on migraine or headache. 
Safety concerns: Does not advise you to seek medical help if you enter in sinister headache features.
New Zealand relevance: Some of the listed drugs are not available in New Zealand and medicine names may be different. Acetaminophen is called paracetamol here. Maxalt 5mg is a brand name for rizatriptan, available in NZ in 10mg strength. Zomig is a brand name for zolmitriptan, not subsidised in NZ. Relpax is a brand name for eletriptan, not available in NZ.


The following references relate to articles about apps for headaches and migraines:

  1. Hundert AS, Huguet A, McGrath PJ, et al. Commercially Available Mobile Phone Headache Diary Apps: A Systematic Review.(external link) JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2014 Aug 19;2(3):e36.
  2. Mosadeghi-Nik M, Askari MS, Fatehi F. Mobile health (mHealth) for headache disorders: A review of the evidence base.(external link) J Telemed Telecare. 2016 Dec;22(8):472-477.
  3. Huguet A, Stinson J, Mackay B et al. Bringing psychosocial support to headache sufferers using information and communication technology: lessons learned from asking potential users what they want.(external link) Pain Res Manag. 2014 Jan-Feb;19(1):e1-8.

Disclaimer: The NZ Health App Library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.

Factsheets – using health apps safely

How to choose a health app
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ

Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.