Less - Alcohol Tracker app | By Zero Longevity Science, Inc. |
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Country of origin | USA |
Clinical review |
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Less - Alcohol Tracker app
Less - Alcohol Tracker app
- An app to help you monitor and/or cut down on how much alcohol you drink.
- Note, this app isn't designed to help people with an addiction to alcohol.

The Less - Alcohol Tracker app is designed to record and track how much alcohol you drink each day. Every time you have a drink, you record it in the app, and then you can view your drinking trends over time. You can set a daily and weekly limit for the maximum amount of alcohol you want to drink, and when you record above these limits, the image (a person sailing a boat) starts slowing down and hitting stormy weather, so you get some visual feedback if you're drinking too much. The app can also record an estimate for alcohol-related cost and calorie intake.
For the complete app description, go to the app website(external link), App Store(external link) or, for a more detailed review, see reviews below.
✔ Sailing theme is interesting and may appeal to some people. ✔ Very easy to record drinks. ✔ Can easily input your usual cost per drink and calories per drink (however this information can only be added once, so if you drink multiple different types of alcohol it will not track different costs or calories). ✔ Easy to view trends and progress. ✔ The app comes with a medical disclaimer that it's for users who want to cut down casual use of alcohol only, not for those who may have an addiction. ✔ Option to export all data, or delete all data/delete account if you wish. |
✘ When recording how many drinks you're having, the app doesn’t refer to a “standard drink” or unit of alcohol, but rather relies on you to input this correctly. This could lead to a very inaccurate recording of how much alcohol you're actually consuming. ✘ The “tips” section contains links to articles and podcasts about alcohol and reducing drinking, however these links aren't necessarily to trusted sources. ✘ The app has a disclaimer that it's not intended to be used for anyone with an alcohol addiction, but it doesn't show any information on how to identify if you may fall into this category. |
Clinical review
Reviewer: Emma Riddell, Clinical Pharmacist, Health New Zealand
Date of review: November 2024
Platform: Apple
Version: 1.1.10
Comments: I found this app a bit strange to use. It has a sailing theme, with the main display as a character sailing on a boat. Your daily alcohol intake affects the weather (eg, if you record several drinks, the weather shown gets windy and then stormy), and your cumulative weekly alcohol intake affects the speed of the boat (the more drinks you've had over the week, the slower the boat travels). The goal is to have your boat going fast in sunny weather. If this type of visual feedback appeals to you, this app may be beneficial.
Please note this app is not intended for anyone who may have an alcohol addiction/excessive alcohol intake. It's only intended for casual drinkers who want to monitor their intake and/or try to reduce alcohol drinking.
When recording drinks, you add “1 drink” for every drink you have that day. This can lead to inaccurate recording, as what one person considers “1 drink” may be very different to another person. There's no use of standard drinks/units of alcohol, or measures of what type of alcohol and how much was consumed. However, this app may still work for some people as long as you convert your drinks to standard drinks first. You also can’t record having half a drink (eg, half a glass of wine).
The display is very easy to understand, and when you input information about how much a drink costs on average and average calories per drink, the app calculates your yearly total for these measures. It also shows reports for drinking trends over time, drink-free days, and days and weeks “within limit” (which is a number of drinks per day or per week that you set).
Overall, I don’t rate this app very highly due to the above concerns, however it may be the right app for some users.
Safety concerns: When recording how many drinks you're having, the app doesn’t refer to a “standard drink” or unit of alcohol, but rather relies on you to input this correctly. This could lead to a very inaccurate recording of how much alcohol you're actually consuming.
New Zealand relevance: Yes
Concerns: None.
Disclaimer: The NZ Health App Library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly. |
Factsheets – using health apps safely
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