If you can't find the health information you are looking for, try searching the individual health pages or the websites listed on the health information in different languages page.
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Tamil health information
Below you will find links to health information translated into Tamil.
Many of the resources are from overseas, so emergency numbers and contact details may differ.

- Where should I go for healthcare? Your Local Doctor & Auckland DHB, NZ English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- How to find good health information online Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Tamil(external link)
- Misinformation video Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- If you need language support when calling government agencies you can ask for a free interpreter. This resource from the Ministry for Ethnic Communities(external link)(external link) explains each step of the process, provides an example, and tips for communities on how to use an interpreter for better communication English(external link), Tamil(external link)
Sickle cell disease leaflets Tamil(external link) Thalassaemia and Sickle Cell Australia (TASCA)
- Children's health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- Youth health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- Blood glucose monitoring Diabetes Australia English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- Diabetes video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
Get active each day NSW Government, Australia, 2021 English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- Heart disease video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- General flu resource The Immunisation Advisory Centre and Ministry of Health, NZ, 2021 Tamil(external link)
- Immunisations video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- Anti-viral medication video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- COVID-19 lessons learned so far video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- Protecting yourself against measles video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- What is measles? video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- Men's health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- Mental health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
Choose healthy snacks(external link) NSW Government, Australia, 2021 English(external link), Tamil(external link)
Eat more fruit and vegetables(external link)(external link) NSW Government, Australia, 2020 English(external link)(external link), Tamil(external link)(external link)
Choose water as a drink(external link)(external link) NSW Government, Australia, 2021 English(external link)(external link), Tamil(external link)(external link)
- Older person's health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)
Calcium – factsheet(external link) Refugee Health Network and Auckland DHB, NZ, 2014 English(external link), Tamil(external link)
Iron NSW Refugee Health Service Tamil [PDF, 972 KB]
- VIDEO: What is menstruation? Sexual Health Victoria, 2019 English(external link), Tamil(external link)
- Women's health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Tamil(external link)