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Niuean health information
Below you will find links to health information translated into Niuean.
Many of the resources are from overseas, so emergency numbers and contact details may differ.

- Questions you may want to ask(external link)(external link) Cancer Society, NZ, 2020 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
- National Bowel Screening Programme(external link) Time to Screen, NZ, 2022 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
- Understanding Cancer [PDF, 498 KB](external link) Cancer Society of NZ, 2008 English [PDF, 498 KB](external link), Niuean [PDF, 1.1 MB](external link)
- Information about dementia and support Alzheimers New Zealand English(external link), Niuean(external link)
- Teeth care for families(external link) HealthEd, NZ, 2020 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
- It's easy to protect your family's smile(external link)(external link) Niuean(external link) To find out how to enrol your child in the free oral health service, call the free phone line 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583)
- Out with gout – how to live a healthy life with gout (Niuean(external link)) Pharmac & Arthritis NZ, 2008
- Let's plan to leave hospital(external link)(external link) HQSC, NZ, 2022 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
- General flu resource The Immunisation Advisory Centre and Ministry of Health, NZ, 2021 Niuean(external link)
- Your guide to disability support services Le Va, NZ, 2014 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
Vagahau Niue Niue Language(external link) Ministry for Pacific Peoples, NZ
- Warfarin and INR diary [PDF, 131 KB](external link) Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ English [PDF, 131 KB](external link), Niuean(external link)
- Warfarin – what you need to know(external link) SafeRx, Waitemata DHB, 2016 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
- How to take Paxlovid if you have normal kidney function English [PDF, 226 KB](external link) and Niuean [PDF, 310 KB](external link), if you have kidney problems English [PDF, 156 KB](external link) and Niuean(external link)
- Paxlovid factsheet Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ, 2022 English(external link) and Niuean(external link)
- Empagliflozin factsheet Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ English [PDF, 213 KB](external link), Niuean [PDF, 321 KB](external link)
- Milk supply(external link) La Leche League, NZ, 2018 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
- The joys of breastfeeding(external link) La Leche League, NZ, 2018 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
- Breast problems – sore breasts(external link) La Leche Leagu, NZ, 2018 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
- Make your car smoke free HealthEd, NZ, 2023. Available in the following languages: English/Multilingual(external link), Niuean(external link)
- Let’s plan for your next health care visit(external link)(external link) HQSC, NZ, 2022 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
- Breast problems – swollen breasts(external link) La Leche League, NZ, 2018 English(external link), Niuean(external link)
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