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Japanese health information
Below you will find links to health information translated into Japanese.
Many of the resources are from overseas, so emergency numbers and contact details may differ.
- Misinformation video Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- If you need language support when calling government agencies you can ask for a free interpreter. This resource from the Ministry for Ethnic Communities(external link)(external link) explains each step of the process, provides an example, and tips for communities on how to use an interpreter for better communication English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- Lung cancer, Health Information Translations, US, English/Japanese(external link)(external link)
- Caring for your baby, Health Information Translations, US, English/Japanese(external link)(external link)
- Getting started breastfeeding your baby, Health Information Translations, US, English/Japanese(external link)(external link)
- Breastfeeding basics, Health Information Translations, US, English/Japanese(external link)(external link)
- Diabetes, Health Information Translations, US, English/Japanese(external link)(external link)
- Diabetes during pregnancy, Health Information Translations, US, English/Japanese(external link)(external link)
- Diabetes video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
Your eyes Glaucoma NZ English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- Heart disease video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- BCG vaccine: Information for parents, Health Ed NZ Japanese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- BCG vaccine: After care for parents, Health Ed NZ Japanese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- Polio vaccine, Medline Plus Japanese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- Immunisations video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- Anti-viral medication video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- COVID-19 lessons learned so far video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- Ward communication tool – Japanese(external link) – Queensland Health, Australia
- Protecting yourself against measles video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- What is measles? video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- Men's health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- Mental health information(external link)(external link), Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK
- Mental health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- Older person's health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- 10 Myths about Palliative Care Infographic Canadian Virtual Hospice, 2021 English(external link), Japanese(external link)
What you can do to sleep better – bilingual information(external link)(external link) Health Information Translations, US, 2020 Japanese(external link)(external link)
- Female exam and pap smear, Health Information Translations, US, English/Japanese(external link)(external link)
- A healthy pregnancy, Health Information Translations, US, English/Japanese(external link)(external link)
- BreastScreen Aotearoa HealthEd, NZ, 2019 English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- Women's health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
- Youth health video, Ministry for Ethnic Communities English(external link), Japanese(external link)
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.