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Amharic health information
Below you will find links to health information translated into Amharic.
Many of the resources are from overseas, so emergency numbers and contact details may differ.

- When your doctor refers you to a specialist at the hospital, National Public Health Service – Northern Region Amharic [PDF, 105 KB], English [PDF, 83 KB]
- Your rights when using a health and disability service in New Zealand(external link)(external link) Health & Disability Commissioner, NZ
- What is asthma? EthnoMed Amharic(external link)(external link), English(external link)(external link)
- Sickle cell disease(external link) NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service
- How to wear a mask(external link)(external link) NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Australia
- Schistosomiasis(external link)(external link) NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Australia
- HIV(external link)(external link) Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service, Australia
- Diabetes – daily foot check(external link)(external link) Harborview Medical Center, US (Amharic and English)
- Diabetes meal plan basics(external link)(external link) Harborview Medical Center, US (Amharic and English)
- Exercise and diabetes(external link)(external link) Harborview Medical Center, US (Amharic and English) (Note: Only some people need to test their blood glucose before exercising. In New Zealand we use different units for blood glucose range).
- What is heart failure?(external link)(external link) EthnoMed (Amharic and English)
- Polio vaccine, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Immunization Action Coalition Amharic(external link)(external link), English(external link)(external link)
- Tuberculosis contact investigations, Minnesota Department of Health Amharic(external link)(external link), English(external link)(external link)
- BCG vaccine – information for parents(external link)(external link) HealthEd, NZ
- BCG vaccine – after care for parents(external link)(external link) HealthEd, NZ
- Rubella Information(external link)(external link) NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Australia
- Coping with stress, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada Amharic(external link)(external link), English(external link)(external link)
- Understanding addiction, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Canada Amharic(external link)(external link), English(external link)(external link)
- Five ways to wellbeing(external link)(external link) Mental Health Foundation, NZ Amharic(external link)(external link)
- Embrace Multicultural Mental Health(external link)(external link) Australian website with information about mental health in multiple languages
- Emergency contraception – It's not too late to prevent pregnancy, PATH Publications Amharic(external link)(external link), English(external link)(external link)
Sexually transmitted infections
- Sexual health and viral hepatitis brochures, Centre For Culture Ethnicity and Health, Australia Amharic(external link)(external link), English(external link)(external link)
- A range of breastfeeding topics(external link)(external link) NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Australia
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