MANA (Māori Assessment of Neuropsychological Abilities)

MANA (Māori Assessment of Neuropsychological Abilities)

  • MANA is a suite of tools for the holistic assessment of mate wareware (dementia) in Māori.
  • It offers a te ao Māori perspective by incorporating spiritual, familial, and cognitive dimensions into the diagnostic process.
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  • MANA is a suite of tools for the holistic assessment of mate wareware (dementia) in Māori.
  • It offers a te ao Māori perspective by incorporating spiritual, familial, and cognitive dimensions into the diagnostic process.


The MANA tool has 4 key components:

  • A history-taking tool that guides you through taking a comprehensive history when seeing a person and their whānau for an assessment of possible dementia (mate wareware).
  • A wairua and well-being tool. This component covers areas such as wairua (spirit), role, and identity that were identified as important in the preparatory research.
  • A cognitive tool that is scored. Lower scores are suggestive of dementia mate wareware.
  • A whānau or family tool that assesses symptoms and signs from a whānau, friend, or care-giver perspective. This component is also scored.

Find out more

MANA can be accessed from the NZ Dementia Foundation(external link) website.

MANA can be accessed from the NZ Dementia Foundation(external link) website.

Training videos

  • Training video version 1:  Whakapākehā – Using English
  • Training video version 2: Whakamāori ā-waha – Using an interpreter


English language versions of the manual and tools can be downloaded from the NZ Dementia Foundation(external link) website.

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