
Thinkladder app

  • An app to help people become more aware of unhelpful beliefs.

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Thinkladder app By Thinkladder Ltd


  • Reminders.
Country of origin New Zealand
Clinical review 

3.5 star review

Read a clinical review below.

Security and privacy Does the app:
  • Collect medical information? Unknown
  • Require a login? Yes
  • Have password protection? Yes
  • Have a privacy policy? Yes
  • Require internet access to use? No

Read more about safety and security when using apps.

Tips to improve your privacy and security [PDF, 65 KB] Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Staying safe online(external link) Netsafe, NZ

Cost Basic is free, but there is a paid upgrade version.
Advertisements This app contains no ads.
How to get the app

The thinkladder app provides the user with access to ways to understand how their thinking impacts on their daily functioning. It discusses the impact of unhealthy beliefs and provides ways to challenge these through “affirmations” or “insights’ suggested within the app (however, the user needs to upgrade to a monthly or annual subscription to access these). User can also access daily reminders for practicing gratitude and “audio practice” which includes a range of topics (e.g., acknowledging, accepting, and releasing emotions; visualisation; and loneliness).

For a more detailed description of the app, see App website(external link)iTunes(external link) or Google Play(external link) and for a detailed review, see reviews below.


Good introduction to the concept of CBT.

Helps users understand how their unhelpful thinking can impact on their daily functioning.

Easy to use.

There is very limited content that the user can access without setting up an account and paying for a subscription.

Clinical review

3 star review

: Jasmine Murphy, Private Practice, Registered Psychologist
Date: May 2023
Platform: Apple
Version: 3.26

Comments: As reported above, the app is a great introduction to the concept of CBT and how our thoughts/beliefs impact on our behaviour and functioning but there is limited access to any significant resources within the app without paying for a subscription.
Users can gain an understanding of how their thoughts impact on their overall functioning (the concept of what CBT entails). Access to some breathing and visualisation strategies/content; and gratitude practice.
Safety concerns: No – users can be linked to NZ contact information if feeling at risk.
Yes – the app notes that “data can be linked to your identity including you contact information (email address)”
New Zealand relevance: Yes

Clinical review

2 star review

: Kris Garstang, Clinical Psychologist, Life Mind Psychology
Date: March 2022
Platform: Android
Version: 1.16.0

Comments: Thinkladder app helps users develop a suite of affirmations or “insights” based on areas in their lives that they are struggling with and the unhelpful beliefs they hold in relation to these areas. Users can use the app to schedule daily reminders of these affirmations.
The app may be of use to those who enjoy using daily affirmations but fails in its attempts to deliver cognitive behaviour therapy skills that can be used to treat common mental illnesses. Although useful for helping users to identify self-limiting beliefs, it does not help them to develop the tools to challenge the negative automatic thoughts or behaviours that are a consequence of these beliefs, rendering it a superficial solution compared to the many skills-based CBT apps available online.
Safety concerns: Safety is addressed only superficially with only general advice on seeking help if user is at risk. For example, if at risk, the user is asked to make contact with local psychiatric emergency services but no phone number or method for finding local services is given. 
New Zealand relevance: Although this app is developed in New Zealand, it is marketed to other English speaking markets and therefore not adapted to a NZ audience. It does address issues relevant to New Zealanders such as living with Covid-19. Content is partly produced by American content developers and counsellors as well as crowd sourced through website.

Clinical review

5 star review

: Robynann Dyson, Primary Health Nurse, Whangarei
Date: October 2017
Platform: Apple
Version: 1.0.3

Comments: A very easy app to use and understand. Users just click on a statement that has relevance to them and it provides a better way of thinking about a negative perception. The app is effective, challenging, informative, well-structured and it encourages change thinking. It would also give insight to friends and family of people who suffer from depression and anxiety.
Safety concerns: None
New Zealand relevance: Fine

User review

5 star review

: Member of the public, Leigh, Auckland
Date of review: May 2021
Comments: Really easy to use and I can always find an insight that helps me to think about myself more positively.

User review

5 star review

: Member of the public, Auckland
Date of review: September 2019
Comments: This app has shifted my internal beliefs from a dark place.

Review of Self Help Anxiety Assessment app(external link) iMedicalApps, July 2015
Thinkladder website(external link)
Bakker D, Kazantzis N, Rickwood D, et al. Mental Health Smartphone Apps: Review and Evidence-Based Recommendations for Future Developments.(external link) JMIR Ment Health. 2016 Mar 1;3(1):e7.
Van Singer M, Chatton A, Khazaal Y. Quality of Smartphone Apps Related to Panic Disorder. Front Psychiatry(external link). 2015 Jul 14;6:96.

Disclaimer: The NZ Health App Library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.

Factsheets – using health apps safely

How to choose a health app
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ

Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.