Pregnancy support

Pregnancy support

  • Support services and information about pregnancy for people throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
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Nationwide multiple birth clubs(external link)(external link)
Some services offered include friendly contact person to answer questions about what the club does and other services in your area, a Buddy System so you have someone to turn to for help, advice, advocacy, support or just a friendly chat, and many more.

Maternity Services Consumer Council(external link)(external link) 
Phone (09) 520 5314. A consumer organisation that promotes the rights of women throughout the birthing cycle. Contains information on how maternity care is provided in New Zealand and the options available to women.

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – pregnancy services(external link)
Freephone 0800 855 066. Information for pregnant women regarding which free and subsidised maternity-related services they are eligible for.

Miscarriage Support Auckland Inc.(external link)(external link)
Phone (09) 378 4060. Provides advice regarding grieving and tips about helping others who have experienced miscarriage. Also includes books, helpful resources, personal stories, information for men, suggestions from health professionals and more.

Pregnancy Help NZ(external link)(external link) 
Practical support and advice to prepare for parenthood – te tautoko me te tohutohu awhina mō te mātuatanga. Also has contact details for pregnancy help branches around NZ, frequently asked questions, news, events, pregnancy tests, counselling, drop-in centres, birthing/parenting support programs, home/hospital visits and more.

Te Rito Ora(external link)
A free community-based service that provides breastfeeding support and nutrition advice for all mothers and babies who live in Counties Manukau. Phone 0800 435 723 (Mon–Fri 8am5pm) or email [email protected].

Well Women Franklin (external link)(external link) 
Phone 021 1588 134. Support for women and families in the Franklin region that are experiencing or at-risk of experiencing ante or post-natal distress, including baby and child-birth related anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder. Includes a peer support group guided by trained facilitators, also provides telephone support, a low-cost counselling service and in-home support to women and families who are in distress.

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