Adhikaar Aotearoa NZ(external link)
Adhikaar Aotearoa is a charity that provides education, support and advocacy services for and on behalf of queer and trans people of colour, especially South Asians. Aotearoa.
Body Positive(external link)
Provides a broad range of services for people living with HIV in an attempt to break down the sense of isolation HIV+ people often experience and to build a sense of community. Phone 0800 448 5463.
Burnett Foundation Aotearoa(external link)
Burnett Foundation Aotearoa has a vision of an Aotearoa with zero HIV transmission where people living with or affected by HIV flourish. Their mission is to prevent transmission, reduce stigma and maximise the well-being of those most affected by HIV. Phone 0800 802 437.
F'INE Pasifika Aotearoa Trust(external link)
Pacific LGBTQIA+ focused provider, providing Whānau Ora navigation services
Gender Minorities Aotearoa(external link)
Trans community resources and database. Phone 020 404 92568.
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura – Outing Violence(external link)
A charitable trust focused on preventing and addressing violence experienced by Takatāpui and Rainbow people. They take a community development and research-based approach to prevent violence, improve responses after people have experienced violence and promote wellbeing for people in Takatāpui and Rainbow communities across the lifespan. They also offer training, advice and support for violence response agencies and policy makers. Email [email protected]
Indian Origin Pride New Zealand(external link)
Works with Indian community leaders and organisations to ensure the community is inclusive and safe. Provides peer support(external link) and organises social events.
InsideOUT(external link)
InsideOUT works with youth, whānau, schools, community groups, youth services, government agencies and other relevant organisations to provide safer schools and communities for young people of minority sexualities, sexes and genders. Phone 027 331 4507.
Intersex Trust Aotearoa NZ(external link)
A New Zealand registered charitable trust and provides information, education and training for organisations and professionals who provide services to intersex people and their families.
OUTLine NZ(external link)
Freephone 0800 OUTLINE (0800 688 5463). Gay/lesbian phone counselling, myths and stereotypes debunked, face to face counselling, sex information, events, coming out guide, frequently asked questions and more.
Rainbow Path NZ(external link)
Connecting LGBTQIA+ refugees and Asylum Seekers in Aotearoa New Zealand
Rainbow Youth(external link)
Support queer and gender diverse youth aged 13–27 including through an Asian peer support group. Phone (09) 376 4155.
Same Same But Black(external link)
A collective working for black, indigenous, and people of colour within the LGBTTQIA+ community in Aotearoa
Takatāpui(external link)
Resource hub for takatāpui and their whānau