Vaccination Healthline(external link)
Freephone 0800 28 29 26, weekdays 8.30am – 5pm. Vaccination advice and support to book appointments via Book my Vaccine(external link), including group bookings. Interpreters are available and you can choose to speak with a Māori or Pacific advisor, a disability advisor, or use NZ Relay.
PlunketLine(external link)
Freephone 0800 933 922, every day, 24 hours a day. Talk to a Plunket nurse for questions about childhood immunisations and parenting help.
Information for healthcare providers
Immunisation Advisory Centre (IMAC)(external link) –
Freephone 0800 IMMUNE (0800 466 863), weekdays 8.30am – 4.30pm. A local source of independent, factual information based on international and New Zealand based scientific research. Clinical information and training for health professionals.