Eating disorders support

Eating disorders support

  • Support services and information for people affected by eating disorders and their family/whānau.
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Eating Disorders Association of NZ (EDANZ)(external link)
Phone (09) 5222 679. Offering support, practical advice and understanding so you can help your loved one recover from an eating disorder.

Family Mental Health Support Inc South Canterbury(external link) 
Phone 0800 732 000 or email [email protected]. A free support service that offers a range of support options that might include information and education about mental illness and addiction, problem-solving, crisis planning and liaison/advocacy with other services. Referrals come from all sources, including self referrals.

Tupu Ora Regional Eating Disorder Services Auckland
09 623 4650. Provides outpatient and inpatient care for people with eating disorders.

Central Region Eating Disorder Services (CREDS)(external link) Wellington 
Phone 04 461 6528. Provides a range of treatment and support services for people with eating disorders, from dietetic support through to residential care.

South Island Eating Disorder Services(external link) Christchurch
03 337 7707. Offers inpatient and outpatient treatment services.

Southern Support Eating Disorders Services(external link) Dunedin
Phone 0800 328 744. This community-based service provides free advice to anyone with questions or concerns about potential eating disorders.

Overeaters Anonymous(external link) 
Overeaters Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength, and hope are recovering from compulsive overeating.

Addictive Eaters Anonymous(external link) 
Addictive Eaters Anonymous (AEA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from addictive eating.

Eating Disorders Carer Support (EDCS)(external link)
Eating Disorders Carer Support is an Aotearoa New Zealand charity which supports all carers of people with eating disorders or disordered eating. EDCS provides lived experience peer support, educational materials, community awareness and advocacy at all levels. They also have a Facebook page(external link)

F.E.A.S.T through EDANZ(external link)
30 Days Programme – “designed to transform parents into empowered carers in 30 days”. Free. The goal of the programme is to change the course of a family’s caregiving journey in just 30 days through a series of daily 30-minute sessions that focus on what parents need to know, both about eating disorders and about providing effective support in recovery. The educational resources offered include written, video and audio content from F.E.A.S.T. and other trusted sources.

Recovered Living NZ(external link)
Recovered Living NZ is a not-for-profit residential facility for eating disorder recovery. They are based in Christchurch but are available to anyone. They offer evidence-based therapeutic approaches to treat eating disorders in a supportive home-style environment. They have a full multi-disciplinary team who provide 24/7 care including a psychiatrist, medical doctor, dietitian, counsellors, nursing staff, a cook and support workers. Note that this is not a free service. 

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