Asthma support

Asthma support

  • Support services and information for people affected by asthma.
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Asthma New Zealand(external link)
Phone (09) 623 0236. Contains a list of all asthma societies across NZ (called Alliance Partners on website).

Asthma and Respiratory Foundation(external link) 
Phone (04) 499 4592. Support and information from a list of affiliated asthma societies and trusts in NZ.

Asthma regional support groups(external link)

Rangitāne o Tamaki nui a Rua Incorporated(external link)
Phone 06 374 6860 or email [email protected]. Provides a wide range of support services to whānau ranging from alcohol & drug, smoking, mental health, asthma to screening in the Tararua region. 

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