Noom Coach – health and weight app

Noom Coach – health and weight app

  • Noom Coach is an app for users who are committed to following a healthy weight loss and maintenance programme. It would suit users who are keen to learn more about the food they eat, eating behaviours and motivators.
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Noom Coach app By Noom Inc.


  • Coaching team messaging.
  • Support group.
  • Recipe database.
  • Barcode scanner and food database.
  • Customised daily lessons and exercises available in written or podcast format.
  • Saved reading materials covering topics such as portion size, understanding the colour system, breaking down your calorie goal.
  • Pedometer.
  • Memes to provide humour.
  • Map on course progression
  • Visual weight tracker with ability to share progress.
Clinical review 

4 star review

Read a clinical review below.

Security and privacy Does the app:
  • Collect medical information? Yes
  • Require a login? Yes
  • Have password protection? Can be password protected
  • Have a privacy policy? Yes
  • Require internet access to use? Yes

Read more about safety and security when using apps.

Tips to improve your privacy and security [PDF, 65 KB] Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Staying safe online(external link) Netsafe, NZ

Cost Free
Advertisements This app contains no ads.
How to get the app

Noom is a tailored and personalised weight management programme. It offers a food and weight tracker, goal setting, coaching and education on behaviour change to achieve weight and lifestyle goals. Based on an extensive assessment Noom calculates a recommended daily calorie intake based on the user’s current weight and their goal weight. In addition it creates a customised learning journey. Users receive instant feedback on calories consumed and the remaining calories left for the day. Noom provides motivational tips and reminders. Premium provides personalised meal and exercise plans.

For a more detailed description of the app, see Google Play(external link) or iTunes(external link) and for a detailed review, see reviews below.


Uses an extensive assessment of goals and current behaviours which ensures the advice is specific to the user and motivation is tailored.

Simple and user-friendly with some effective graphics to see your weight management progress against your goals.

 Has a colour system to help users identify least to most calorie dense foods.

The group forum is structured, moderated, respectful, and supportive.

Weekly check-ins by a coach support users to be accountable to the app and their goal.

Daily reading/listening materials and activities are motivating and informative.

Noom uses an extensive assessment of goals and current behaviours which includes education snippets. This can make the initial engagement with the app time consuming (~30minutes).

✘ After the initial assessment it becomes clear Noom is a paid subscription with only a 14 day low cost trial.

✘ The amount of content provided by Noom for education and learning can be overwhelming and some users may find it hard to maintain the reading requirements.

Clinical review

4 star review

: Frances Arenhold, Dietician
Date of review
: April 2023
Platform: Android
: 11.7.1 (paid version)
Noom provides a tailored and structured platform to learn about eating behaviours and track weight and food intake. It uses nutrition and psychology scientific evidence and health coaching techniques to support users to lose weight and achieve their goals. It provides resources, reading and audio education and reflection material, as well as support groups, memes and recipes.
Safety concerns: 
New Zealand relevance: 

User review

5 star review

: Member of the public, Palmerston North, NZ
Date of review: January 2022

Comments: Very helpful for calorie counting and keeping you on track. Excellent psychological theory explanations for eating behaviours and behaviour change. It worked well for me.

User review

3 star review

: Member of the public, Auckland, NZ
Date of review: September 2021

Comments: I liked the early stages of the programme. After reaching Noom Master it felt a bit silly at times, e.g. love languages ! For all the data they must collect the coaching felt disconnected and impersonal. E.g. after maintaining below goal weight for three months I was offered another free trial with a ridiculous lower weight target, billed for the free trial in a complex system with Apple and then in order to get a refund was link)(external link) given a trite runaround by coaches who sounded like robots.

Clinical review

5 star review

: Karen Day, Senior Lecturer, Health Informatics, University of Auckland
Date of review: October 2019
Version: 7.11.1 (paid version) 
Comments: This app is most useful for people who want to gain a healthy weight. Noom specifically states that this is a behaviour change programme, and not a diet. The goal is to achieve a healthy weight and sustain that weight. Other benefits include a different attitude to food, psychological tips and tricks to develop healthy eating behaviour (and avoid unhealthy eating), improved mental health that affects eating behaviours, ability to assess information about food, healthy eating, healthy weight, and other diets using critical thinking, knowledge of a range of ‘diets’ and their risks and benefits, improved self-knowledge, confidence to sustain the new healthy eating behaviours into the future.
Overall, this is a well-structured and well-designed programme for healthy weight achievement (it is not a ‘diet’ and they openly avoid calling it a diet programme) in the form of an app. It is based on excellent use of scientific evidence, i.e. it is evidence-based and the evidence is shared with users in a user-friendly and engaging manner. 
Safety concerns: Privacy and security – as with all apps, there is a risk of breaches. This app is password protected and users have individual accounts.
Risk of oversharing in the social media tool. The conversations are closely monitored and moderated by Noom ‘coaches’.
Risk of individuals experiencing mental health issues as their distorted thinking about food is explored. Noom uses CBT and DBT principles openly and a Noom coach checks in on individuals at least once a week to ensure safety and follows up if an individual doesn’t respond to the check in.
New Zealand relevance: The app is appropriate and relevant to any New Zealander who wants to build health eating into their lives and deal with issues associated with overweight and or obesity. The app assumes that an individual is using it and so it doesn’t accommodate whanau or ‘real life’ support people as co-users. However, the visual aspect of the app is clean and easy to navigate and easy to show to others when the user tells their Noom story.
Concerns: Most users are from the USA, with some from Canada and Europe and some from NZ and Australia. This means that empirical measures are used instead of metric measures, and the seasonal themes are opposite to New Zealand’s seasons. This is a minor issue.

User review

4 star review

: Anonymous, NZ
Date of review: August 2018

Comments: Having a coach to refer to, using psychology to help understand my relationship with food and how to tackle weight loss effectively for me. Bought a 3 week trial for $1 for pro version, would have appreciated a heads up before they were going to charge my credit card the full amount.

Clinical review

4 star review

: Dietitian App Review Working Group, Auckland DHB
Date of review: July 2015
Version: 5.05 (free version)
Platform: Android
Comments: An easy to use self-monitoring tool for motivated people wanting assistance with weight management. Some concerns around daily calorie goals and database is American based often requiring amount eaten in ounces rather than grams. The app markets and strongly encourages upgrades to Noom Pro to allow the user further (promised) functions for a monthly fee. 
Safety concerns: The goal calorie intake seems low. All reviewers were set daily goals <1350kcal/day. There are no safety limits for recommended bodyweight range – or desired weight loss goals. 
New Zealand relevance: Many of the foods in the food database are not available in New Zealand - based on the foods available in the US.


The following references relate to articles about apps for weight loss.

  1. Coughlin SS, Whitehead M, Sheats JQ. Smartphone Applications for Promoting Healthy Diet and Nutrition(external link): A Literature Review. Jacobs J Food Nutr. 2015;2(3):021
  2. Chen J, Cade JE, Allman-Farinelli M. The Most Popular Smartphone Apps for Weight Loss: A Quality Assessment(external link). JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2015 Dec 16;3(4):e104. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.4334.
  3. Flores Mateo G, Granado-Font E, Ferré-Grau C, Montaña-Carreras X. Mobile Phone Apps to Promote Weight Loss and Increase Physical Activity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis(external link). J Med Internet Res. 2015 Nov 10;17(11):e253. doi: 10.2196/jmir.4836.

Disclaimer: The NZ Health App Library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.

Factsheets – using health apps safely

How to choose a health app
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ

Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.