At Health Navigator Charitable Trust, we're grateful to have an incredible team who contribute to our mahi.
Meet our community engagement and equity lead, Frances King.
Q. Tell us a little about your role at Healthify/HNCT and your background.
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Waiapu te awa
Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi
Ko Whānau a Ruataupare te hapu
No Tokomaru Bay ahau
I graduated as a Registered Comprehensive Nurse 30 years ago and have experience in both NGO and DHB health including leadership, management, primary care, specialising in child and youth mental health/mental health services.
I have a passion for rural health, services for Māori and underserved communities to support building positive futures.
I started working for HNCT as a project manager for self-management support for long term conditions in May 2023. Since then, I have increased my role to include community engagement and equity lead for the Trust, management of our WOVEN team and establishment of a Cultural Advisory Group.
Q. Why are you interested in supporting Healthify / why were you drawn to HNCT and Healthify?
I support the community to learn about Healthify, so whānau can easily access good quality health information that's relevant to them at a time that they may need it.
Q. Tell us something about yourself that people might not know but be interested to learn.
I'm an outdoorsy person that likes hunting, fishing and gardening to provide for my whānau. I enjoy teaching my Moko how to live off the land and look after it.