- Ageing well – how to be the best you can be NZ Sign Language(external link) English(external link) HealthEd, NZ, 2021
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New Zealand Sign Language health information
There are many resources for anyone who would like to learn NZSL, including hearing people who have deaf relatives, interpreters or healthcare professionals and others who work with deaf people.
Below you will find links to health information in New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL), as well as a link to a website with health resources in British Sign Language.

These videos are NZSL translations of Healthify pages on asthma. Read more about asthma.
Asthma – overview
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What causes asthma?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are symptoms of asthma?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator NZ, 2022)
What triggers asthma symptoms?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator NZ, 2022)
How is asthma diagnosed?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator NZ, 2022)
How is asthma treated?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator NZ, 2022)
- Body-piercing and tattooing – protecting your health NZ Sign Language(external link) English(external link) HealthEd, NZ, 2019
- Having a mammogram NZ Sign Language(external link) English(external link) HealthEd, NZ, 2022
- Cervical smear tests – what women need to know NZ Sign Language(external link) English(external link) HealthEd, NZ, 2019
These videos are NZSL translations of Healthify pages on chest pain. Read more about chest pain and heart attack.
Chest pain – overview
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the causes of chest pain?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
Other causes of chest pain
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
Chest pain – when to text 111
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
Text 111 immediately if you have chest pain that: |
You could be having a heart attack. Stop, rest and text 111 for an ambulance straight away as you need immediate treatment in hospital.
Chest pain – when to see your GP
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
Contact your GP or health professional if: |
- Depression and anxiety affects us all differently NZ Sign Language(external link) Health Promotion Agency and Depression NZ
These videos are NZSL translations of Healthify pages on diabetes. Read more about diabetes.
Diabetes – overview
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What is insulin?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
Read more about insulin.
What is normal, high, and low blood glucose?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
Read more about high blood glucose and low blood glucose.
What is the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
These videos are NZSL translations of Healthify pages on heart disease. Read more about heart disease, heart disease risk factors and heart attack.
Heart disease overview
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
How do I know if I am at risk of heart disease?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the heart risk factors that I can’t change?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the heart risk factors that I can change? An overview
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the heart risk factors that I can change? Part 2
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the heart risk factors that I can change? Part 3
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the heart risk factors that I can change? Part 4
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
Heart attack key points
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
How is heart disease diagnosed and treated?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
A series of video stories for people with learning disabilities in New Zealand Sign Language.
Video 1: Making decisions
This video is about making important decisions. Sam talks with a friend, his parents and a support coordinator about wanting to live independently from his parents.
(Health and Disability Commissioner, NZ, 2020)
Video 2: Good support
This video shows what good support looks like. Sam and his support worker Greg decide to change their plans for the day. Later Sam talks to a friend about why Greg is a good support worker for him.
(Health and Disability Commissioner, NZ, 2020)
Video 3: Improving your support
This video is about improving your support. Sam and his flatmates talk with an advocate about not having enough choice about their meal plans. The advocate assists them to talk to their support worker about the changes they would like.
(Health and Disability Commissioner, NZ, 2020)
Video 4: Resolving a concern
This video shows how to resolve concerns about a support worker. Sam is unhappy and talks to an advocate about his support worker not showing up on time. Together they talk to Sam’s service coordinator about how the situation can be improved.
(Health and Disability Commissioner, NZ, 2020)
Video 5: Identifying bullying
This video is about identifying and managing bullying. Sam is being bullied by his support worker and is affected emotionally and financially. Sam decides to talk with his local advocate and his service provider about the bullying.
(Health and Disability Commissioner, NZ, 2020)
These videos are NZSL translations of Healthify pages on medicines. Read more about Medicine factsheets and videos.
Opioid medicines for short-term pain (NZSL)
How to take empagliflozin: Jardiance and Jardiamet
Te reo Māori(external link)
New Zealand Sign Language(external link)
These videos are NZSL translations of Healthify pages on osteoarthritis. Read more about osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis – overview
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
How does osteoarthritis affect joints?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What causes osteoarthritis?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
- Time to quit NZ Sign Language(external link) English(external link) HealthEd, NZ, 2019
These videos are NZSL translations of Healthify pages on stroke. Read more about stroke.
Stroke – overview
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the symptoms of a stroke?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
Who is at risk of having a stroke?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
How is a stroke diagnosed?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What is the treatment for stroke?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
How can I reduce my risk of stroke?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
These videos are NZSL translations of Healthify pages on vaccines. Read more about vaccines.
Vaccines and how they work – overview
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the types of vaccines – live
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the types of vaccines – dead or inactivated vaccines
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the types of vaccines – subunit vaccines
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
What are the types of vaccines – mRNA vaccines
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
When should you get vaccinated?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
Are there any risks to being vaccinated?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
How effective are vaccines?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
Where can I get vaccinated?
(Platform Trust, in partnership with Deafradio and Health Navigator Charitable Trust, NZ, 2022)
British Sign Language
There is also a range of resources in British Sign Language at Health advice(external link) Sign Health, UK
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.