- Acute low back pain(external link) BPAC, NZ 2022
- Low back pain – clinical care standard(external link) Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in health Care, Australia, 2022
- Early management of persistent non-specific low back pain – full reference(external link) NICE, UK, 2009
- Physiotherapists' quick guide to clinical care standards for low back pain(external link) Australian Physiotherapy Association, 2023
- Acute low back pain(external link) ACC, NZ, 2004
- Hall A, Coombs D, Richmond H, et al. What do the general public believe about the causes, prognosis and best management strategies for low back pain? A cross-sectional study(external link) BMC Public Health, 2021;21(682)
- Helping patients cope with chronic non-malignant pain – it's not about the opioids(external link) BPAC, NZ, 2014
- Language usage for back pain discussions(external link) Sheffield Back Pain, UK
- The McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy® education programme (external link)If you are a registered physiotherapist, a registered doctor of medicine, a registered chiropractor, or a registered osteopath, you are eligible to apply to complete the NZ branch courses.
- NICE guidelines [NG59](external link) Nov 2016
- Management of non-specific back pain and lumbar radicular pain(external link) BPAC, NZ, 2009
- Acute low back pain(external link) BPAC, NZ, 2009
- CME MODULE Acute low back pain(external link) Goodfellow Unit, University of Auckland (Needs login)
- Free from back pain(external link) University of Otago, Wellington, NZ, 2016
- Six things you need to know about low back pain(external link) Journal of Primary Health Care, NZ, 2020
- Wilson H, et al. Te Kete – diagnosis and explanations for patients with 'persistent somatic symptoms' and chronic pain(external link) NZ, 2024
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Back pain for healthcare providers
Key points about back pain
- This page contains information about back pain for healthcare providers.
- Find information on clinical pathway, resources and pain consultation videos.

Watch the videos below about following a patient through an in-depth back pain consultation (12 chapters). They may take a few moments to load.
Chapter 1: Introduction (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 2: Examination history (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 3: Discussion about history (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 4: Examination physical (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 5: Discussion about physical (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 6: Examination physical lying down (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 7: Examination neurological (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 8: Explain (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 9: Experiment reframe activity advice (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 10: Work advice (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 11: Summarising consultation for patient (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Chapter 12: Conclusion (FREE Back Pain Consultation)
(University of Otago, NZ, 2016)
Functional movement training for back pain with Dr David Johnson neurosurgeon
(The GP Show, 2019)
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.
Reviewed by: Dr Ben Darlow, musculoskeletal physiotherapy specialist in private practice; Associate Professor and researcher, University of Otago, Wellington.
Last reviewed: