Healthy recipes for a healthy heart

Key points about healthy recipes for a healthy heart

  • Are you looking for new meal ideas to keep your heart healthy but aren't sure where to start?
  • Relax! There are some great links and resources below.
Heart healthy food on a heart-shaped plate
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Heart-healthy recipes(external link) Heart Foundation, NZ
Heart Foundation recipes are designed by nutrition professionals to take the fuss out of healthy eating. If you want to add heart-healthy meals to your repertoire, you'll find some great options here.

Recipe search(external link) British Heart Foundation, UK
100s of heart healthy recipes with full nutritional analysis and filters for dietary requirements and specific conditions.

Healthy dinner recipes(external link) Heart UK
A great selection of heart-healthy dinners and easy-to-make family suppers.

Recipes(external link) Heart and Stroke Foundation Canada
Heart & Stroke dietitian-approved heart-healthy recipes, which are higher in fibre and lower in saturated fat, added sugars, cholesterol and salt.

Full o' Beans Cookbook(external link) (free/downloadable) Heart Foundation NZ
This softcover booklet contains 28 pages of great information that will help you incorporate beans and legumes into your heart healthy meals. Includes information on types of legumes, how to cook them and some very tasty recipes.


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