Autism (takiwātanga)

Autism is also known as autism spectrum and ASD

Key points about autism

  • Autism (takiwātanga) is a difference in development that affects communication (verbal and non-verbal), social skills and behaviour.
  • Children with autism can have a wide range of challenges and strengths, and these can vary with age and over time in an individual.
  • If your child has autism, there are services available to support your child, you and your whānau.
  • The content on this page comes from KidsHealth(external link).
Young boy lining up small toy cars
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Video: Amazing things happen!

Watch an animated film (5 minutes 30 seconds) providing an introduction to the autism spectrum. It was created as part of the UK Amazing Things Project. The video is available in a range of languages at link).

This video may take a few moments to load.

(Amazing Things Project, UK, 2017)

Autism is a difference in development that affects:

  • communication (verbal and nonverbal)
  • social skills
  • behaviour.

Communication and social skills

Communication and social skills develop in children at different rates. Communication involves many different skills. Children learn to understand what people say to them. They learn to speak clearly and use words and sentences to talk and to get their message across. They learn to understand and use gestures, signs and body language. They learn to look, listen and take turns in a conversation.

Children with autism have differences in how they develop these skills. It may take them longer. The way they communicate and interact with others might always be different. For example, some children with autism might take longer to learn to speak. Some may not speak at all. Others may learn to speak at the expected time.

"It is common for me and other people with autism to be unable to say the words to describe what is bothering us. It's also hard for us to figure out that other people don't experience the world the same way we do".


Children with autism often have differences in the way they behave. They can sometimes enjoy a narrow range of interests which they like to repeat and they may also like to play with toys differently than other children. Children with autism can sometimes make unusual movements with their body. They may have more difficulty with change than other children.

The way that children with autism experience their environment through their senses is different. They might find common sensations either calming and pleasant, or annoying and even painful. For example, they might find some loud sounds distressing. They might also find some body movements calming, eg, rocking or spinning. 

Boy with his hands on aquarium tank watching fish swimming

Image credit: Depositphotos

Children with autism interpret the world differently

Children with autism interpret the world and what's happening around them differently than other children.

Autism is different for every child who has it

When people talk about autism spectrum, they're referring to the wide range of differences in children with autism. These differences can vary with age and can also vary over time in a child.

Rather than thinking about your child with autism as sitting somewhere on a line, imagine each of their skills in a circle. Your child will have strengths in some areas and challenges in others.

Takiwātanga means in his, her or my own time and space. It comes from a Māori phrase for autism – “tōku/tōna anō takiwā”.

There's no single way of describing autism that everyone agrees on. People may refer to autism, autism spectrum, the spectrum and ASD. People with autism often prefer to identify as autistic, an autistic person, a person with autism or as an autistic individual. In the health system, it's often called autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

A young child with autism might have some or all of the following challenges.

Relating to others and playing

A young child may:

  • prefer to play or be alone
  • not smile when smiled at
  • have difficulty with eye contact
  • not recognise or respond to another person's happiness or distress
  • not want to be picked up or cuddled
  • seem disinterested in, or too friendly with, other people
  • appear to be in their own world
  • prefer to play alone
  • not copy others (clapping, waving)
  • ignore greetings and farewells (such as waving hello or goodbye)
  • not respond when you play peek-a-boo or other games
  • not do much pretend play or 'make believe' (talking on the phone or looking after a doll)
  • not involve other people in what they're doing (such as not bringing toys or objects to share)
  • not invite other people to look at what they're doing.


A young child might:

  • find it hard to communicate what they want
  • have talking or listening skills that are behind other children of their age
  • appear to not understand what people want or say
  • use language in an unusual way (such as repeating words or songs)
  • not respond to their name
  • refer to themselves as 'you' or 'she/he' rather than 'I'
  • not point to things or not show interest when others point to things
  • sometimes appear not to hear
  • lead someone by the hand to show what they want
  • may not seek help when they need it
  • have difficulty following directions.

Differences in interests and behaviours

A young child may:

  • have a narrow range of interests
  • need things to be done in a particular way
  • get very upset at changes in routine
  • play with toys in a repetitive way (might line things up or put things in a certain order)
  • seem to get stuck doing the same thing over and over
  • make unusual movements with their body (eg, hand flapping or walking on toes)
  • play with toys in unusual ways (eg, spinning the wheels on a car)
  • not like make-believe play (such as pretending to make or do things)
  • like to hold and keep unusual objects (eg, a key ring or piece of string)
  • not like loud noises (may put hands over ears)
  • really like or dislike certain sounds, smells, tastes or the way things look or feel
  • either cope unusually well with pain or find even a little pain very difficult.

What are the definite signs that my young child needs assessment for autism?

  • No babbling or pointing or other gesture by 12 months of age.
  • No single words by 16 months.
  • No 2-word phrases by 24 months.
  • Any loss of any language or social skills at any age.

You may have noticed some of the signs described for a young child. An older child may also have some or all of the following challenges.

Relating to others and playing

A child may:

  • prefer to spend time alone
  • have difficulty joining in with other children's play
  • use eye contact less
  • not know if someone is joking, or not understand jokes
  • not understand the usual social rules for behaviour
  • have difficulty taking part in a two-way conversation
  • show strong reactions to others coming too close to them
  • find it harder to role play or joke around
  • not be able to develop and keep friendships in the same way as other children
  • sometimes say or do things that are tactless
  • be overwhelmed by some situations.


A child may:

  • find it hard to communicate what they want
  • use a voice with an unusual tone or pitch or accent
  • use unusual words (can be very adult in their language)
  • not use language so much for social interaction
  • talk without an awareness of whether the listener is interested
  • show a tendency to talk only about specific topics
  • appear to not understand what people want or say
  • refer to themselves as 'you' or 'she/he' rather than 'I'
  • find it difficult to understand facial expression, body language or gesture
  • take information or instructions 'literally'
  • have difficulty with new instructions or settings.

Differences in interests and behaviours

A child may:

  • have a narrow range of interests
  • need things to be done in a particular way
  • get very upset at changes in routine
  • struggle with make-believe play
  • have intense interests which they like to talk about and which take up a lot of time
  • struggle to cope with change or unstructured situations (eg, school trips, relieving teachers)
  • repeat facts about their particular interest without consideration for the listener
  • have poor coordination
  • make unusual movements with their body
  • really like or dislike certain sounds, smells, tastes or the way things look or feel
  • either cope unusually well with pain or find even a little pain very difficult.

Signs of autism may not be quite as obvious in this age group. Older children and teens with autism have difficulty thinking in an abstract way. They often develop a growing awareness of their social difficulties as relationships become more complex. Without the right support and understanding, they may be bullied or develop anxiety or depression, particularly at times of stress or change (eg, exams or leaving school).

  • You may be one of the first to notice signs of autism in your child
  • Your child's teachers, Well Child nurse or healthcare provider may also raise concerns about your child's development
  • If you're worried and you haven't seen your healthcare provider, make an appointment to talk to them – it really helps to give them as much information as possible.
  • If your child needs an assessment for autism-takiwātanga, your healthcare provider can arrange this.
  • It can take many months to get an assessment – waiting times vary across Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • There are some things you can do in the meantime.

Read more on KidsHealth about autism diagnosis(external link).

Parents and whānau can have a range of responses to a diagnosis of autism in their child. Some parents and whānau are relieved to understand differences in their child's development. Others may find the diagnosis difficult.

If your child does have autism, there are services available to support your child, you and your whānau.

Getting information about autism is important. But, parents and whānau will have their own needs about this. Some want as much information as possible early on. Others find a lot of information, early on, overwhelming. There are resources, information and support available for you to check in your own time, when you need them.

Read more on KidsHealth about the support available for your child(external link)

Apps reviewed by Healthify

You may find it useful to look at some Autism apps.

Overseas figures vary from about 1 in 59 to 1 in 100. There's not much information about how common autism is in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Autism is more common in boys than girls. But this may be partly because not all girls with autism have been diagnosed.

It might seem like there are more children with autism now than in the past. This is probably because of better recognition than in the past. It could also be because of changes in autism diagnosis.

Autism occurs in children and adults – it's usually diagnosed in childhood. Sometimes a diagnosis isn't made until the teenage years or adulthood when social demands exceed a person's abilities.


We don't know exactly what causes autism but it's likely to be a combination of factors. Children with autism are more likely to have a similarly affected family member. This suggests genetic factors play a part.

Some children will have a rare medical condition that may be associated with autism.

Extensive research shows that the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine does not cause autism.

How common is it?

Overseas figures vary from about 1 in 59 to 1 in 100. There's not much information about how common autism is in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Autism is more common in boys than girls. But this may be partly because not all girls with autism have been diagnosed.

It might seem like there are more children with autism now than in the past. This is probably because of better recognition than in the past. It could also be because of changes in autism diagnosis.

Autism occurs in children and adults – it's usually diagnosed in childhood. Sometimes a diagnosis isn't made until the teenage years or adulthood when social demands exceed a person's abilities.

Video: Amazing kids

In this animated film (5 minutes 13 seconds), you can listen to children from different backgrounds share their unique experiences of the autism spectrum in their own words. 

Ky's story: Living with autism (Australia)

An animated film (4 minutes 06 seconds) which begins with Hugo Weaving speaking about the key characteristics of the autism spectrum as experienced by his own 16-year-old nephew Ky Greenwood.

(Sentis, Australia, 2016)

Video: Lucy's story

Watch Lucy's story about her experiences with living with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome.

(Autism New Zealand, NZ, 2020)

Video: Sesame Street – meet Julia

In this video (10 minutes 07 seconds), you meet Julia, an old buddy of Elmo's. Julia has autism and she and Elmo share an amazing friendship.

(Sesame Street, US, 2017)

Watch more videos about children's voices about their experience of the autism spectrum at KidsHealth NZ(external link) and at NHS, UK(external link)

Autism spectrum disorder information(external link) Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People
Pasifika Autism Support Group(external link) NZ
Altogether Autism(external link) NZ
Kanorau Takiwātanga Consultants – Māori Autism Support NZ(external link)
ASD information(external link) Raising Children Network, The Australian Parenting Network, Australia
National Autistic Society(external link) UK
Understanding Autism(external link) Future Learn. Online course and fee applies. You don’t need any prior experience or qualifications to do this course but it might be of interest to practitioners in the field of autism, healthcare workers, autistic people, and parents or carers.


Note: Some resources below are from overseas so some details may be different in New Zealand, eg, phone 111 for emergencies or, if it’s not an emergency, freephone Healthline 0800 611 116.

What does ASD look like?(external link) NZ Guidelines Group and NZ Ministries of Health and Education NZ English(external link), Cook Island Māori(external link), Māori(external link), Samoan(external link), Tongan(external link)
How is ASD diagnosed?(external link) New Zealand Guidelines Group
Parent information packet(external link) Autism Consortium
(external link)How to get help for your child(external link) Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), US
Developmental screening fact sheet(external link) Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), US


Autism apps


Aotearoa New Zealand Autism Guideline: He Waka Huia Takiwātanga Rau: Third Edition(external link) Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People and Ministry of Education. 2022.


The quote from a person with autism is reproduced from the New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline. (2nd edn). 


what does asd look like

What does ASD look like?

NZ Guidelines Group and NZ Ministries of Health and Education NZ, 2010

how is asd diagnosed

How is ASD diagnosed?(external link)

New Zealand Guidelines Group, 2010

Need help now?

Credits: Content shared between HealthInfo Canterbury, KidsHealth and Healthify He Puna Waiora as part of a National Health Content Hub Collaborative.

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