Total Mobility scheme



Key points about the Total Mobility scheme

  • The Total Mobility scheme in Aotearoa New Zealand provides a discounted transport service for people who can't use public transport easily or who have mobility impairments.
  • Contact your local regional council to apply for the scheme.
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The Total Mobility scheme helps people with various impairments to access appropriate transport, such as licensed taxi services, so they can go about their daily activities and participate in their community.

The scheme is funded by local and central government and provides subsidised door to door transport services to eligible members.

The scheme provides:

  • vouchers or electronic cards that subsidise the normal transport fare by 75% up to a maximum fare which is set by your regional transport services
  • funding for transport providers to help them purchase and install wheelchair hoists
  • payment to the owner of the wheelchair-accessible vehicle for each Total Mobility scheme member who requires the use of a wheelchair hoist or ramp on a trip. 

MAn in wheelchair using mobility van

Image credit: Depositphotos

Your regional council operates and administers the scheme. 

The Total Mobility scheme is available if you can’t use buses, trains or ferries because you have a permanent or temporary disability that prevents you from:

  • getting to a public transport stop
  • getting on or off a bus, train or ferry
  • using public transport safely and securely
  • getting to your final destination.

It’s available to eligible people with physical, intellectual, psychological, sensory, cognitive, mental/psychiatric or neurological impairments.

When you apply for the scheme you’ll need to undergo an assessment by a doctor or agency, such as Age Concern or Epilepsy New Zealand, to determine if you’re eligible for the scheme.

Contact your regional council, or Auckland Transport if you’re in Auckland, to apply and find out how you can be assessed for eligibility for the Total Mobility scheme.

If you're eligible for the scheme, you'll get an electronic card or a book of vouchers from your regional council. These can be used to get subsidised transport anywhere in Aotearoa New Zealand where the Total Mobility scheme operates.

Your fare is subsidised by 75% per trip, up to a maximum subsidy. The maximum subsidy varies between regions and is set by your regional council. The subsidy is only available from approved transport operators (eg, approved taxi services) in each region. If your total fare is more than the maximum subsidy, you’ll need to pay the additional cost. There's no minimum fare to use the service.

To find out more about the cost of the subsidy and the approved transport operators in your region, see the regional guide to using the Total Mobility scheme(external link).

To find out about the Total Mobility scheme in your region, see the regional guide to using the Total Mobility scheme(external link)

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