Diabetes self-management programmes

Key points about diabetes self-management programmes

  • If you've been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, one of the best things you can do is attend a diabetes self-management programme. 
  • It can help you develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to stay well and reduce your risk of complications.
  • Living with diabetes can be confusing. There is a lot to learn and staying well may mean you need to make some major lifestyle changes.
  • Group programmes are held throughout the country. These are often available in evenings and weekends to make it easier for people who are working to attend.
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Video: 2A Diabetes - Living well with diabetes & coping skills

This video talks about living well with diabetes and coping skills. This is part of a video series. You can watch video 1 of the series here.(external link) It may take a few moments to load.

(Health Navigator Charitable Trust and Synergy Film, NZ, 2014)

Type 1 diabetes

Diabetes self-management programmes


Multiple organisations offer these programmes, including primary health organisations (PHOs), district health boards (DHBs) and community organisations such as Diabetes NZ(external link) and Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa(external link).

Who is this for?

People with type 1 diabetes and their families/whānau.

Contact details

Ask your GP what is available in your area or you can contact the organisations directly.

Specific type 1 diabetes courses

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Midcentral

The Manawatu Horowhenua Tararua Diabetes Trust(external link) provides diabetes self-management education classes for the Palmerston North region. 

 06 357 5992 or use their contact email address(external link).
(external link)

Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes self-management programmes


Multiple including primary health organisations (PHOs), district health boards (DHBs) and community organisations such as Diabetes NZ(external link) and Diabetes Foundation(external link).

Who is this for?

People with type 2 diabetes and their families/whānau.

Contact details

Ask your GP what is available in your area or you can contact the organisations directly.


Auckland – Central

Auckland – North and West 

Auckland – South and East


  • ProCare Health(external link) has a range of self-management programmes running across wider Auckland and anyone is welcome. Contact the self-management team on email at [email protected], phone 09 354 7770, or call or text 027 339 5740.

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Nelson/Marlborough

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora MidCentral

The Diabetes Trust(external link) provide diabetes self-management education classes for the Palmerston North region. Phone 06 357 5992 or use their contact email address(external link).

Tauranga South, Mount Maunganui, Te Puke, Pāpāmoa, Katikati, and via Zoom

Self-management Group Sessions(external link) Western Bay Of Plenty PHO

Diabetes self management education (DSME) can be delivered in many forms. Group-based DSME is widespread, cheaper and has the added advantages of people meeting others with diabetes.

Systematic review with meta-analysis

This study compared group-based DSME to routine treatment. RCT studies, up to Jan 2008, adults, type 2 diabetes (intervention had at least one session and =/>6 months follow-up.)

Results: In total 21 studies (26 publications, 2833 participants) were included. Participants: 40% male, baseline age 60, BMI 31.6, HbA1c 8.23%, diabetes 8 years and 82% used medication.


  • HbA1c was significantly reduced at 6, 12 months (0.46% points; P = 0.001, 11 studies, 1503 participants) and 2 years.
  • Fasting blood glucose levels also significantly reduced at 12 months (1.26 mmol/L; P<0.00001, 5 studies, 690 participants) but not at 6 months.
  • Diabetes knowledge was improved significantly at 6, 12 months and 2 years and self-management skills also improved significantly at 6 months.
  • For the main psychosocial outcomes, there were significant improvement for empowerment/self-efficacy after 6 months.
  • For quality of life, no conclusion could be drawn due to high heterogeneity.
  • Significant improvements in patient satisfaction and body weight at 12 months for the intervention group.
  • No differences between the groups in mortality rate, body mass index, blood pressure and lipid profile. 


Group-based DSME in people with type 2 diabetes results in improvements in clinical, lifestyle and psychosocial outcomes.  


  1. Steinsbekk A, et al. Group-based diabetes self-management education compared to routine treatment for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. A systematic review with meta-analysis(external link) BMC Health Services Research 2012 12:213.


Auckland PHO run self-management courses(external link)
Living well with type 2 diabetes(external link) Marlborough Primary Health
Diabetes self-management(external link) East Health Trust
Diabetes self-management(external link) Hearts & Minds, Auckland
Self-management Group Sessions(external link) Western Bay Of Plenty PHO


Diabetes apps
Self-management and healthy living apps

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