Childbirth information and resources in multiple languages

Key points about childbirth resources

  • Childbirth is a critical time for mother and baby.
  • Here are some easy to understand resources to help you prepare a plan for your labour and delivery.
  • Many are available in a range of languages.


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Every birth and labour is different and each woman experiences labour pain differently. As part of your birth plan, you need to think about what pain relief you want during labour and the birth. Various medication and non-medication techniques are available for pain relief during labour and the birth. It's important to know your options and discuss your choices with your lead maternity carer. Read more about pain relief during child birth.

Tauwhirotia te hapūtanga – pregnancy, birth and newborn care(external link)(external link) National Women's Health, Auckland DHB, NZ
Sleep On Side(external link)(external link) Cure Kids, NZ
Common questions in pregnancy(external link)(external link) The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZOG)
Women's health – patient information(external link)(external link) The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZOG)
Maternity – information sheets(external link) Capital and Coast DHB, NZ
Pregnancy(external link)(external link) La Leche League, NZ
Online course : Women’s Health After Motherhood(external link)(external link) Fee applies Future Learn
Online course : Journey to birth(external link)(external link) Fee applies Future Learn


Pregnancy and parenting education for you and your whānau [PDF, 2 MB] Auckland DHB, NZ
Looking after your early labour(external link) Woman's Health, Auckland DHB, NZ, 2020
After your caesarean section [PDF, 277 KB] Capital and Coast District Health Board, NZ, 2017
Sleep on side when baby's inside Cure Kids, NZ, 2018 English(external link), te reo Māori(external link), Samoan(external link), Tongan(external link), Hindi(external link)
Assisted birth(external link) RANZCOG, 2021
Pregnancy and parenting education for you and your whānau [PDF, 2 MB] Auckland DHB, NZ, 2018
Perineal massage(external link) Auckland DHB, NZ, 2022
Breech presentation at the end of your pregnancy(external link) Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 2021
Expressing colostrum antenatally(external link) Auckland DHB, NZ
Te Kākano [PDF, 12 MB] Takai, NZ, 2023 Te Kākano is the journey of whānau and their growing pēpi during hapūtanga. This booklet offers ideas and simple whānau tikanga relevant to pregnancy.


looking after your early labour

Looking after your early labour(external link)

Woman's Health, Auckland DHB, NZ, 2020

after your caesarean section capital and coast dhb 2017

After your caesarean section

Capital and Coast District Health Board, NZ, 2017

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