Grief and loss support

Grief and loss support

  • Support services and information for people experiencing grief and loss and their family/whānau.
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1737(external link)(external link) 
Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day to talk or text with a trained counsellor about any type of grief or loss.

ACROSS(external link)(external link)
ACROSS is an Anglican, Catholic and Community support service providing social work, counselling and foster care services to families in the Palmerston North area. Phone 06 356 7486 or email enquiries@

Bittersweet Parents(external link)(external link) and Bittersweet Siblings(external link)(external link).
Support groups of parents or siblings of a child who has died at any age for any reason. Is Australian-based but open to bereaved New Zealand parents and siblings.

Dove Hospice & Wellness - Auckland(external link)(external link)
Offers a free fortnightly bereavement group for people grieving the loss of a loved one. Find out more here(external link)(external link).

Grief Centre NZ(external link)(external link)
Phone (09) 418 1457. Offers counselling, support groups, resources and more. 

Grief Support Services Tauranga(external link)(external link)
Phone (07) 578 4480. Offers counselling, support groups, resources and more.

Healthline(external link)(external link) 
Freephone 0800 611 116. Nurses specialised in assessing and advising over the phone. 

Hospice NZ(external link)
Phone (04) 381 0266. Special medical care for people with serious illnesses.

Lifeline Aotearoa(external link)(external link) 
Phone 0800 534 354 for 24/7 counselling and support.

Miscarriage Support Auckland(external link)(external link) 
Phone (09) 378 4060. Support for people who have been affected by miscarriage.

Sands NZ(external link)(external link) 
Support for parents and families who have experienced the death of a baby at any stage during pregnancy, as a baby or infant.

Skylight NZ(external link)
Freephone 0800 299 100. Enabling children, young people, their family/whanau and friends to navigate through times of trauma, loss and grief. Provides individual and family counselling, library, training programmes and support groups, helpful articles and more.

St John Caring Caller(external link)(external link)
Freephone 0800 780 780 or email [email protected]. The Hato Hone St John Caring Caller service is a telephone-based friendship service that puts people in touch with someone who will call them on a regular basis. People are matched to a volunteer Caring Caller who has similar interests. Caring Caller does not provide medical, or helpline services. Their volunteers are not trained counsellors.

Together – Bereaved Parents Support Group(external link)(external link)
Email: [email protected]. Together is a peer support group, designed by bereaved parents for bereaved parents. This is a free growth focused group aims to bring together grieving parents for help, support and understanding. The group is open to any parents who have lost a child. 

Victim Support(external link)(external link) 
Phone 0800 842 846 24 hours a day. Offer support to victims of crime and support in the first days after the suicide of someone close to you. 

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