Endometrix app

Endometrix app

  • An app for people with endometriosis and/or pelvic pain.
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Endometrix app By Endometrix


  • Symptom diary.
  • Tracking.
Country of origin Sweden
Clinical review 

3 star review

Read a clinical review below.

Security and privacy Does the app:
  • Collect medical information? Yes
  • Require a login? Yes
  • Have password protection? Yes
  • Have a privacy policy? Yes
  • Require internet access to use? Yes (to access some features)

Read more about safety and security when using apps.

Tips to improve your privacy and security [PDF, 65 KB] Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ
Staying safe online(external link) Netsafe, NZ


Free - basic
Paid - upgrade 

The basic version of this app is free but videos that provide education about self care such as diet and symptoms of endometriosis require a subscription (monthly or annually).

Advertisements This app contains no ads.
How to get the app

The free version of the Endometrix app is very basic. It helps you keep track of symptoms such as pain, vaginal discomfort and abdominal discomfort. In addition users can track other aspects, such as feelings, bleeding, flaring, extra medication and sex. 

To learn more about how to manage your symptoms, including nutrition, hormones, yoga, etc users have to subscribe to the paid upgrade.   

For the complete app description, go to the app website(external link), Google Play(external link), App Store(external link) or, for a more detailed review, see reviews below.


This can be a simple way to describe and record symptoms.

When describing your symptoms, you are limited in the words you can choose. In online reviews, many users describe glitches and bugs when recording their symptoms. It does feel quite clunky to use.

✘ While simple descriptions are possible, more in-depth comments and notes are not able to be recorded.

✘ You cannot go back and make additional notes or change previous days, although you can make an entry if no previous entry has been made.

✘ The app does not appear to have been updated since 2020.

Clinical review

3 star review

: Dr Judy Ormandy, Obstetrician and gynaecologist, Capital & Coast District Health Board and Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Otago, Wellington
Date of review: December 2022
Version: 2.27
Platform: Apple
CommentsEndometrix app is designed for people with endometriosis and or pelvic pain. This app allows you to track symptoms such as bleeding and pain and to describe the symptoms. By tracking your symptoms and their severity you have a record of them over time and this can be used to communicate with health professionals. You may also be able to identify things that trigger your symptoms to help with management. There is a tag function in the app which lets you specify exactly where in your body that you’re hurting, so you can explain exactly how your symptoms are impacting you at any given time. 
Overall, this app can be a simple way to record and track your symptoms. It does not allow for detailed records to be kept. 

Safety concerns: None.
New Zealand relevance: The app is relevant to New Zealanders, but be aware that the personal health data that you record, such as frequency of sexual activity, is processed by the app owners overseas.

Disclaimer: The NZ Health App Library is a free consumer service to help you decide whether a health app would be suitable for you. Our review process is independent. We have no relationship with the app developers or companies and no responsibility for the service they provide. This means that if you have an issue with one of the apps we have reviewed, you will need to contact the app developer or company directly.

Factsheets – using health apps safely

How to choose a health app
Healthify He Puna Waiora, NZ

Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.