Down Syndrome - NZ Down Syndrome Association (NZDSA)(external link) Freephone 0800 NZDSAI (0800 693 724). Website includes support from trained support parents, newsletters, information packs, access to regional groups across thirteen centres in NZ involving coffee mornings, family events, guest speakers and individual support and advocacy.
Health and Disability Commissioner(external link)
Freephone 0800 11 22 33. Helpful if you have a disability and want to find resources or learn more about your rights. Also includes useful information for anyone associated with the disability sector including families/whānau, consumer organisations, disability service providers, and professionals.
IHC NZ(external link)
Freephone 0800 442 442. Focus on supporting people with intellectual disabilities to live, learn, work and enjoy life as part of the community. Get help with accommodation information, home support, advocacy, daily living and more.
We're aware of a problem when trying to use Zero Data to link to Healthify. Zero Data is managed by Health NZ and we're working with them to get this fixed.
Down syndrome support
Down syndrome support
- Support services and information for people affected by Down syndrome and their family/whānau.
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.