Carers need care too

Help and support is available for carers

Key points about carers need care too

  • Whether you’re looking after or helping someone close to you on a regular basis for a few or many hours a week, there’s information, support and services available.
Woman in a wheelchair communicating with younger woman
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Carers are individuals, family, whānau and āiga who provide care for someone close to them who needs help with everyday living because of a disability, health condition, illness or injury. Words such as ‘support’ or ‘manaakitanga’ may better describe the way a carer sees caring as a natural part of what they do for the people they love.  

Granddaughter helps grandmother by combing hair
Image credit: Ministry of Social Development

There are approximately 430,000 carers in Aotearoa New Zealand – about 1 in 10 people.

Caring plays a crucial role in society as it allows people to live and participate in their communities. It also helps reduce dependence on the health and aged care systems. Carers make a significant contribution to the quality of life of the person they care for.

Depending on your situation, being a carer can be different for everybody. For example, you could be caring for a disabled child, supporting a friend with a mental health condition, looking after an older family member or caring for a sick partner. 

The care you give could be needed suddenly due to unforeseen circumstances such as an accident, or it could develop gradually over time, eg, if you have an ageing parent or grandparent who needs increased support.

You may be caring for someone in your own home or outside of your home, and it may be part or full-time. The care may be required short-term or long-term and it can vary in the degree of difficulty and/or amount of time needed to care for the person.

Demand for carers is growing because people are living longer, more people have multiple long-term health conditions, and more people are living at home rather than going into residential care. 

Daughter helps mother with hanging out clothes
Image credit: Ministry of Social Development

According to the Ministry of Social Development:

  • About 1 in 10 New Zealanders are carers. 
  • Carers are nearly twice as likely to be female (63% female). 
  • Carers span all ethnic backgrounds, with the majority being European and Māori (European 70%, Māori 15%, Pacific 6%, other 2%). 
  • The carer population is older than the New Zealand population (20% of carers are over 65 years, compared to 15% of all New Zealanders). 
  • Nearly one in 10 carers are 1524 years of age. 
  • Nearly two-thirds of carers are employed outside of their caring role (63% in full-time or part-time employment). 
  • About 1 in 5 carers live rurally (17% live in a rural settlement or other rural location). 
  • The value of unpaid family care is about $10.8 billion per annum (2013). The value is expected to have significantly increased since 2013. 

The role of a carer is often hidden in families/whānau and communities partly because many people consider it to be something that you just do. 

While caring for a loved one can be immensely rewarding, it can also be challenging. Support is usually focused on the person needing care, but as more people become carers, it's important that you take good care of yourself and get support. 

Respite is important for both of you!

You need time out or a break from your responsibilities as carer. This could be a few minutes snatched here and there during the day, an hour or two each week, or a longer planned break, such as formal respite care. The time out can be to do anything that makes you feel energised, refreshed and ready to step back into your caring role. 

You might be worried about ‘stepping away’ temporarily from the person who needs your support.  But having a break from you can encourage independence, build self-esteem and provide a wider range of opportunities for socialisation. When you get back together again, you’ll have different things and new experiences to talk about. 

 You might also like to share a hobby with the person you’re caring for, eg, gardening together. Or they may benefit from participating in an activity programme that could provide an opportunity for you to have a break. Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora funds activities and services for people with high and complex needs and/or an intellectual disability(external link)Read more about services provided(external link) to support people with disabilities and the people who care for them. 

Ask for help and let others step in

It can be easy for carers to underestimate their own needs and not do anything about them, or simply not know where to turn for help. Putting others’ needs first can see you become more socially isolated, exhausted and possibly unhappy. It can also mean you postpone your own health checks or put your own needs way down the priority list. 

Seeking help early and using the support services available helps you to continue caring for your whānau member for longer. It is best not to wait until you are desperate or exhausted before you ask for help or an outside person or agency has to intervene because your situation has got to crisis point.

It’s important that you don’t try to manage alone. You are entitled to help from health professionals and social services (see the list below). Family, friends and neighbours may offer to help, so take up their offers. Think of ways to let them help with caring and explain exactly what you would like them to do.

Daughter reassures mother with dementia
Image credit: Canva

Look after yourself

It is important that you stay physically and emotionally healthy. 

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet and if you drink alcohol, stick to the recommended guidelines.
  • Make sure you keep up with regular health/dental checks and vaccinations. It’s important for you, but it’s also important that the person you care for. They might be exposed to infections or have to do without you if you become unwell. 
  • Keep in touch with family/whānau and friends. You deserve and need a social life outside your carer role.
  • Take time out to maintain your interests and hobbies. You have a right to follow your own interests outside of the caring role, and it is important that you do so.
  • Find ways to relax. Some people find that time spent in prayer, meditation, self-reflection or counselling can help boost morale.
  • Find ‘me time’ even on the busiest day – this might be 5 minutes for a walk in the garden or some small activity that gives pleasure. 
  • Keep moving. Walking is an excellent stress reliever and also calming for a person with dementia. 
  • Try to get enough rest. If your sleep is disturbed at night, take opportunities to sleep whenever you can. 
  • Plan regular excursions or small ‘treats’ to look forward to. They don’t have to cost a thing. It might be watching a particular movie online, a special lunch with whānau or friends, a picnic in the park or borrowing a friend’s holiday home for a few days! Setting up a regular commitment such as a weekly singing group or coffee date gives your schedule some structure. 

Understanding your emotions

This information is from the Cancer Society NZ's booklet 'Supporting someone with cancer'(external link) but also applies to carers, partners and supporters who are looking after others with long-term illnesses or life-limiting conditions.

The emotions you may feel (in no particular order) include: 

  • loneliness and isolation
  • fear and anxiety
  • sadness and depression
  • guilt
  • frustration
  • anger
  • resentment
  • helplessness
  • stress
  • loss and grief.

The Cancer Society booklet(external link) offers lots of practical advice and tips for ways of coping 'when the going gets tough'.

If somebody in your household or whare has COVID-19, you need to keep your distance from them to reduce your risk of getting sick. Even when you're the main carer, there are things you can do to reduce the chances of you catching COVID as well. If you get sick you won't be able to look after them.

  • Let fresh air into the spaces where you live, provide care, work and gather with others to reduce the risk of catching or spreading COVID-19.
  • Wear a face mask and if you have home helpers, ask them to wear a face mask. 
  • Cough into your elbow, wash your hands and clean often-touched surfaces.
  • Try and keep your contact to a minimum while people are COVID-positive.
  • Test yourself to check that you are COVID-19 free. You can order free RATs online(external link)(external link) and get somebody to pick them up for you. You may be able to get free medical masks at the same time. 

Remember, it's really important that as well as looking after your physical wellbeing, you look after your mental wellbeing. If you're isolating, make sure you stay connected with people using the internet or phone. You can also go outdoors for fresh air, or go for a walk in a COVID-safe way by physically distancing and wearing face masks. Plus, revisit the tips above and make an effort to find that ‘me’ time.

There is practical help available for people who care for and support family/whānau members or friends with a physical or mental health condition, disability, injury or illness. A guide for carers – He aratohu mā ngā kaitiaki(external link)(external link) includes information on services and support available for carers including:

  • financial help
  • transport and travel
  • assessing needs
  • help at home
  • children with special education needs
  • balancing your caring role with work and study
  • taking care of yourself
  • contacts in time of mental health crisis
  • help with managing bladder or bowel control
  • making and resolving complaints.

Other support and resources 

Carers NZ(external link) provides a hub for ideas, guidance, learning and support. They also have a Facebook page(external link)(external link)
Care Matters(external link) provides online resources, face-to-face workshop information and care planning
Mycare(external link) helps find respite care for carers
A guide for carers(external link) Ministry of Social Development, NZ
Families, whanau and carers in Aotearoa(external link) Age Concern NZ
Parkinson's caregiver checklist(external link) Parkinson's New Zealand

COVID-19 – family, whānau and āiga carers(external link) Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Information and advice for carers who support friends, family, whānau and āiga who are unwell or who have a chronic health condition or disability.

Carer support and respite(external link) Whaikaka, Ministry of Disabled People, NZ
Find information on carer support and respite 


A guide for carers
Ministry of Social Development, NZ, 2021

Who are carers?
Ministry of Social Development, NZ

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